Over the last few weeks we have heard a lot about people being vetted. That is....their background checked and every good and bad thing they have ever done being weighed. Everything they believe in is checked. Everything they have said in public and what they have said in what they thought was private. It is complete and full discloser so that when it hits the Internet....the party is prepared and can deal with it. Many Political candidates are disqualified from running if their past is to much to pass through the voters eyes.
At our staff retreat we were talking about how glad we are that in Christ their is no vetting. Our sinful past is not held against us and we do not have to worry about God telling us that that the vetting process has disqualified us from Heaven. We all have things in our past that we wish we had not done or said. We all have things that we are not proud of and are glad that we no longer engage in such things.
God's Grace covers all of the things we have done poorly in our lives. All we have to do is accept His grace and forgiveness. He will never judge us by our past. In Christ we can and should move forward in the knowledge that God has forgiven us. However, we should also seek to live our new lives in Christ with the wisdom of always thinking: "what if what I am doing now were to be known in public....what if I was vetted for all the world to see?"
This week we have invited our community to join us for a teaching series called Team Family. In this series we will talk about how each family can be winners in the real game of life. This series will be laced with God's Grace and will motivate us to be the best family we can be! Our church is a place of Grace!
Today's Bible Reading: Revelation 10
This chapter has a great "creative teaching" point. The angel gave John a small scroll that was a replica of the larger Scroll which was the Word Of God...their Bible. When John eats it....it taste like a Krispy Kream donut. However, a few minutes later....that which was sweet is settling like a bad burrito in his belly.
The meaning and the principle is this.....The truth of God found in His Bible is sweet to the taste and sound of those who are Christians and live by it. For us it is truth, grace and love. However, for those who do not believe and do not have the same
set of morals and truth principles....the Bible can be painful to live by. It's teachings mean that those who reject will not like the end times as they will live eternity separated from God.
Is the Bible sweet like honey to you....or does it make you stomach turn?