Hurricane Hanna is scheduled to make land fall Saturday night. They are not sure where it will land and if it will make it to Charlotte with more than tons of rain. I know that the schools are thinking of canceling all activities on Friday and Saturday. So......what about Sunday at church?
As far as we can tell now....nothing at CSF will change. However, if things get bad, then stay tuned to our web page and this BLOG. Plus we will send out Newsflashes to our email list.
As you know we mailed out special mailers in the mail advertising our new Message Series that starts this Sunday called....Team Family. Be thinking of a family you can invite to this great message series. Also, we need all CSF regular attendees to PARK in the back and side lots....not the front guest parking. Thanks! Together, we can help our guest feel welcomed!
Today's Bible Reading Revelation Chapter 9
This chapter reads like a scene from a horror science fiction movie. However, the tells of this great happening painful assault on the earth is not made up. Of course, know one knows the exact details of what will happen, we just know that their will come a day when this earth will no longer exist the way we know it now and the end will come. However, the book of Revelation is also a book of Hope. It tells of a new heaven and new earth and a place that all those who have followed God will live with him forever in peace. Their will be an absence of evil. Why? Because where ever Hell is.....that is where Satan and those who rejected God will spend eternity. Forever, separated by a chasm that cannot be crossed.
Ever thought about eternity and how long that is????