Monday, September 8, 2008

Team Family Is A Hit!

We had many new people yesterday that came seeking biblical, practical and creative teaching in the always hot topic of..... FAMILY. Brad and Rebbecca did a great job with the Wii & the Mii graphics, video and stage design. I heard new guest and old members say how helpful the entire service was for them as they think about their kids and how each one needs to know they are:

Accepted for who God made them to be!

Celebrated for what they offer to the family and the world.

Motivated to be their best!

I was also encouraged by the amount of people who are all fired up about our new Team Kid ministry that starts this Wednesday night. It will be a great place for every 1-5th grader to have fun while learning the truth of how to live according to God's word...the Bible. Moreover, they will have fun competitions and build great friendships! This Wednesday also marks the kickoff of Pursuit on Wednesday nights. Middle and High School students will take over our main auditorium each Wednesday night for a night of worship with their own band, teaching by Brad our youth pastor and tons of hang-out time with their fiends!

If you have a kid grade 1st-12th we have a great night planned for all of them each Wednesday night. Don't miss it!

*** Special Request: We need CSF Players to choose the 9am or noon service. We had two families come and leave the 10:30 service because when they walked in a few minutes late they could not find a seat to sit they left.

Today's Bible Reading Revelation Chapter 13

One of the most famous chapters in this hard to understand book about the last days. This is the chapter that movies are made from....The Omen and other similar movies give a Hollywood spin on this chapter. What most people know is that their will one day be a nationally known leader who will "wow" the crowds with their charisma and wonderful speaking abilities that enables this person to draw all nations together in unity. This leader will draw attention to the quest for world peace and unity of all religions. This chapter says he will be known by the mark of the beast that is 666. During the leadership of this person many scholars believe that Christians will have already been taken by God from the world and this "anti-Christ" will make it so that you can buy or sell unless you pledge allegiance to this one world powerful leader.

Again....In my opinion, the teachings of the last days are sometimes unclear as many of the dots are not lined up for an easy tracing of the lines. However, we do know that and end will come. Also, a great teaching principle for us all is that we should always be careful of what leaders we follow. A promise of unity in religion is not always a good thing. We don't want a one world religion that are all the same. We should not follow leaders who are verbally apposed to Christian values for the sake of what is better for my wallet, world peace or anything else. Peace at any cost is not peace but many times is comprise of truth and morals.