Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Expand Devotion/Prayer Day 10

Touching All the Bases: Turning Second

Still intent on making a stewardship decision? When you have decided to make your decision a matter of faith, then the next step is to seek God’s will. That means getting God involved in your decision and in your life! That means inviting God’s input and guidance. It means asking, “what would You do through me, Lord?” and then genuinely seeking God’s will in your life. Where does one ask God’s guidance and seek God’s will? How does one invite God to participate in his or her life? Those things happen as we intentionally spend time in prayer.

A stewardship decision is a prayerful commitment. Such a decision invites God to the dialog, involving God in the discussion. A stewardship decision becomes much more than just one’s sense of goodwill.Taking the turn at second base will take much prayer…as well as time for listening and learning and reflecting.

A hard but god question to ask yourself as you turn second base is..."what if every person at CSF prayed and then gave in the same manner that I am giving? What if every one's sacrifice, trust and generosity matched mine? Would the needs of the church be met if everyone was like me?" Everyone can be equal when it comes to trust, sacrifice and true generosity. Equal Sacrifice not Equal Gifts is a must in our Expand Adventure. In the end, we will not be held accountable for what others did, but how faithful we were with what we personally have.

Bible Verse

This then, is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:9-10


Lord, I want to honor Your name. Lead me! Your will be done…in me and through me. Let Your kingdom come, here in my life!

PS...have a friend at CSF who does not read the BLOG...Forward it to them!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Expand Devotion/Prayer Day 9

Touching All the Bases: Reaching First

Have you ever watched a tee-ball game where the children are just beginning to learn baseball? Have you ever seen a child so excited to hit the ball off the tee that the youngster runs directly to third base, then races back to home plate to score?

Too often we think of giving to the church as a financial decision, rather than a stewardship decision. We shortcut the ground rules, like the child running directly to third. As a result, we may make a donation to the church, but we do not make a stewardship commitment. To make a stewardship decision, we have to go all the way around and touch all the bases. Reaching first means making a faith decision before we even consider the financial aspect of our giving. Reaching first means calling to account your life of faith before doing any financial accounting.

In 2 Corinthians 8:5, Paul says of the Macedonian church, “they gave of themselves first to the Lord, and then to us in keeping with God’s will.” Getting to first means determining your commitment level before deciding your financial position. Making a stewardship decision means responding to a deeper calling, not reacting to a quick accounting.

Expand Story From The Front Line: On Sunday a 5th grade boy heard Clint, our children's pastor, teaching on why we should give back to God and what it means for all of us to give what God has asked us to give toward our Expand Adventure. That afternoon the boy went home and told his mom that he felt as though God was asking him to sacrifice and sell his 4-wheeler that that never gets used and stays parked at his grandfathers barn. After making sure this is what he wanted to do....the single mom and her son are spending some time cleaning it up and then selling it so that they have a sacrificial gift to bring on Sunday. WOW.....The faith of a child. It is pure and undaunted. It does not fear...only trust.

Bible Verse

"Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15


Lord, first let me give myself to You, and then let my decisions grow out of what I believe…and out of what You call me to be.

Sundays message is on line at

Monday, April 28, 2008

We have 7 days until our Fellowship will gather and make individual commitments that once totaled will allow for us to Expand our Faith, our Influence and our Fellowship. Yesterday I shared a message on Expanding our Giving. Each person who attends CSF will need to spend this week in prayer...asking God what they can and should do.

As a reminder, we are asking everyone to have an Expand Family Gathering. We provided a guideline for you yesterday. Your kids and teens are excited to sit with you. If you are single you can have this time alone or better yet, get with some CSF friends and have a group time.

If you missed should go to and print out the Family Gathering guideline. Also, go quickly to and listen to yesterdays message on giving. Doing all this will allow you to get ready for the decision God would have you make. Here is today's Expand Devotion.

With All Your Mind

Greed is Good. What motto is on your t-shirt? What priorities do you conform to? What do you give yourself to as a kind of living sacrifice? Anything that is advertised to make us the greatest, the most successful, the most fabulous, can capture us and conform us to its own set of values.

A magazine once ran a series of articles asking people, “What was it that changed your mind about something significant?” Some answered by telling how a relationship changed their racial prejudices, or how some tragedy or suffering made them more aware and compassionate. Changing our mind is a difficult and rare thing—especially if this transformation means changing our directions, opinions, goals, and plans. But such change is exactly what Paul calls us to be—completely transformed by the renewing of our mind.

How has your life in faith changed your mind? How have your priorities changed? How has your life changed? Could anyone notice the difference in you as you offer yourself to God and you are molded in the mind of Christ?

Bible Verse

Offer yourselves as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is. Romans 12:1-2


Lord, lead me to see things differently, to think differently, to live differently. Reset my priorities. Transform my mind and my life!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

With All Your Strength

After a long morning of teaching in the courtyard, Jesus took a long break with His disciples. Sitting right across from the treasury, their gazes drifted over to observing many people who were making their offerings. Never one to miss a teachable moment, Jesus asked His disciples about what they had seen. “Who put in more?” was the implied question.

The answer is obvious to anyone reading or watching—those who gave the greatest sums put in more. Jesus turns the tables on the obvious, teaching His disciples an important principle of giving. Giving is not measured by dollar amounts; giving is measured by how much we truly give of ourselves. Some gave large sums offered out of their surplus gifts that they would never miss. But what a lonely widow offered meant the world to her, though it was only a penny. Her gift affected her life. Her seemingly small gift is the one Jesus singles out for praise. She put in more of herself than all the others.

Commitments are not about equal gifts, but about an equal sense of sacrifice. Rather than the amount, would God be honored if every person in this Fellowship made a sacrificial commitment?

Bible Verse

“Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury, for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned.” Mark 12:43-44


Lord, each and every gift makes a difference to Your church. Teach me to give in ways that actually make a difference in my life.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Expand Devotion/Prayer Day 6

With All Your Heart

We tend to grow uncomfortable when the church talks about money. Why? Are decisions about how we live and how we use those resources unimportant? Is our faith supposed to be separate from our finances? Are not believing and praying and loving more important?

Look at a revealing count of New Testament words: Believe, Believing—275 times; Pray, Praying—371 times: Love, Loving—714 times; Give, Giving—2,162 times. Jesus knew that our treasures and our hearts are inseparably linked. For Him, talking about treasure was to reach more completely for people’s hearts. Remember the story of Zaccheus in Luke 19? We have no ideas what happened between Jesus and Zaccheus other than they had dinner together. But we do know that Jesus reached and dramatically changed his heart. How do we know? Follow the money! Look at what happened with Zaccheus’ treasure. Seeing where the treasure went, Jesus exclaims, “Today, salvation has come to this house.”

Maybe we are uncomfortable with talk about money because that conversation is getting awfully close to the heart of matters of faith. Their are many people who see themselves as devoted Christ followers who never tithe and never give to God via the local church. The question of a Christ follower is not, "should I tithe?" It I want to obey what God has told me in the Bible.


Lord, teach me to love You with all my heart—and with all my life. Let salvation come to this house!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Expand Devotion/Prayer Day 5

Did you have a Nickname when you were a kid? Most of us have one for our kids now and they are normally silly enough that we don't call them that name outside of the home environment. Of course, today's sports stars and teams have Nicknames. A Nickname can be either nice or negative. Many of us remember the mean Nicknames given out in Middle School.

What’s in a Nickname? They are normally given as a way of describing an outward or inward characteristic of someone. They can be positive or negative...but they normally describe you in some way.

The name “Joseph” is such a fine name, especially for a man of Jewish decent. In Hebrew, the name means “God’s added blessing.” This was the name for the cherished son of the patriarch Jacob. So why would the apostles give Joseph a nickname like Barnabas?

When the early church needed money to underwrite its ministry, Joseph was there to make a generous donation. When Saul of Tarsus needed a friend to welcome him into the Christian church he once persecuted, it was Joseph who was that friend. When the church needed to send someone to encourage believers among the gentiles, they sent Joseph. When young Mark needed someone to believe in him and give him a second chance to serve as a missionary, it was Joseph who encouraged him. Any wonder all of Joseph’s friends called him Barnabas, which meant “Son of Encouragement”?

CSF needs more leaders to step forward in faith and generosity to help advance our purpose as a church. We need everyone to see themselves as a part of the solution to helping Expand our dreams. When it comes to how generous you are and how you support the church and ho you plan to be involved with Expand......what Nickname would our church family give you?


Lord, give me the gift of generosity, that I may encourage Your work in the world through my church. Help me to know what to give as I seek to be a encouraging part of Expand. Lord I want my Nickname to be one that I am proud of as it reveals my character about giving.

Extra: Kenny's Mock NFL 2008 Draft (top 5 picks)

1) Dolphins: Jake Long
2) Rams: Chris Long
3) Atlanta: Matt Ryan
4) Raiders: Darren Mcfadden
5) Chiefs: Glenn Dorsey

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Expand Devotion/Prayer Day 4

A Partnership of Parts

The most important piece of a jigsaw puzzle is the piece that’s missing. It only takes one errant piece to ruin the whole effort. Every part is important. It’s called synergy—working together.

Synergy is better defined to mean the result accomplished is greater than the individual parts. Sports teams are a good example. Playing together makes them better than playing as individuals. However, one team member failing to do his part can make everyone lose. One musician not in tune will ruin the music.

A war plane was damaged and barely made a safe landing. The same plane was needed for a critical mission the next morning. A maintenance crew worked all night to make repairs. At dawn, the pilot asked the mechanic if the plane was good to go. “Sir,” he replied, “if this plane does not complete its mission, it will not be because of me.”

Your participation is unquestionably significant. If your part is not available, CSF cannot succeed. Our goals are will take all of us to reach them! One person not doing his or her part could keep us from hitting our goal. Everyone doing their part makes us an unstoppable force in our city!


Lord, I know together we can do more. In Your grace, we can do more than we ever imagined. Multiply our gifts and grow Your grace in each of us.

Did you know that what you commit to reveals some important things about you???

1) Shows my true values: They show what I really think is important. What I really value, what I really love. There is no such thing as love without commitment.

2)Shapes my life: You are whatever you are committed to. Your life is the sum total of your commitments.

3)Shapes My Destiny: I become what I commit to…Final Destiny!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Expand Devotion/Prayer Day 3

Expand is going great! Excitement is mounting...are you ready to move in Faith?

Last Word, Lost Word

“Being, doing, and having” is a fairly accurate motto for most people today. For some, having is more important than the other two. They sacrifice who they are through what they do in order to have.

Everyone is big on being. Some like to pound the point—“Look at me, notice that I am here, recognize my being.” The more sophisticated way of doing the same thing is in buying houses that do more than shelter us and cars that do more than carry us. It’s another way of saying, “I am somebody! Look at me!” And then there is doing. The first question asked to a new acquaintance is often, “What do you do?”

Those who get there find that being and doing are never big enough. We want to be a part of something that means something. We need to belong to something greater than we are. Ever wonder why so many people are searching for their Purpose in life? Why they feel empty and void of meaning?

Followers of Jesus returned from where being and doing had been accentuated. “Look at who we are because of what we’ve done,” was their common cry. Jesus would not let their focus stay on their own accomplishments. He said to look beyond yourself. Look at what you are a part of. Look at the bigger picture to where your being and doing belong. We can always accomplish more when we work together as a TEAM. Remember, it is about what you can do with God...not what you can't do alone.


Lord, help me know that who I am and what I do are important. But, also teach me that I was made to be a part of something bigger than I am.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Expand Devotion/Prayer Day 2

More Than Asking

Most of us are good at the first baby step of prayer—asking God to do something. Unfortunately, after the asking, we think we are finished and that we are expected to do nothing more. Asking is just the first step. Many more steps will make up a real journey of prayer. Jesus offers His disciples a model for such a prayer journey. Ask, but then seek, and finally…knock on the doors you find! (Luke 11:19.)
Seeking God’s will is much more work than simply asking—it takes time, attention, listening, looking, searching. A journey of prayer will lead us far past asking, deep into new paths of seeking God’s way for our lives. Along those paths, we will find doorways, places where choices and decisions must be made. Do we have the courage and commitment to knock? And when those new doorways are opened, will we step into a new way of life?
Simply asking demands little from us. Seeking means finding God’s will in our lives, and such seeking will undoubtedly change us—redirecting us in God’s way. Changing us has always been the real power of prayer.


Lord, I seek Your will and Your will in my life. Lead me down Your paths for Your name’s sake. Open doors that I might find a new life!

Many people are praying and seeking God guidance on how they can be personally involved in our Expand Adventure. One question that comes up is....How can we really reach our goal? Here is a brief answer:

4 Essentials To Reaching Our Goals

We must really believe it can be done! Jesus said, “According to your faith it will be done!”

We must involve every CSF Family Unit in our church! It will take all of us working, praying, committing together as a TEAM. The challenge is so great we must all do our part!

We must each be willing to sacrifice. Nothing great or of value is ever achieved with out sacrifice. CSF needs everyone to give for the common goal of our vision. Remember our Motto: “Equal Sacrifice, Not Equal Gifts.”

We must be creative in finding ways each of us can give more than we ever thought possible.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Expand Devotion/Prayer Day 1

As Promised, I will use my BLOG for 14 days straight as our on-line Expand Devotional as we begin to prepare our hearts for what God wants to do through EACH person at CSF. Our Expand Adventure is as much a spiritual experience as anything else. PLEASE Forward to EVERY CSF person you that we all remember.

Growing in the Church: One Prayer and life at a time:

Wrestling is an ancient sport. During the first century, wrestlers struggled for their lives, not for TV ratings. In the language of the day, the wrestling ring was called the agone, and the wrestlers were called antagonists.
Such is the word image that Paul uses to describe the work of prayer from the spiritual leader of the Colossian church, Epaphras. Paul says that Epaphras prays fervently (he uses this word root agone) for them. What a powerful image—like Jacob wrestling with the angel all night for a blessing (Genesis 32:24-31), and like Jesus praying so fervently in the Garden of Gethsemane that His sweat became like drops of blood (Luke 22:41-44).
What is so important that Epaphras would pray with such anguish? That the Colossian church would grow in its knowledge of God’s will and in the maturity of faith. As Paul would later say of Epaphras, “I vouch for him that he is working hard for you.” (Colossians 4:13.)
Our Fellowship needs an Epaphras or two right now. Would you be willing to pray, to wrestle hard, for the future of CSF?


Lord, lead me in prayer to wrestle hard with Your will. I will hold fast to You, until I find Your blessing!

Quick CSF note: We had 600 families from the Walter Bicket school and area come to Walter Bickett Elem. School on Saturday morning and take all but two small bags of clothes. How much clothes did we have to start with? We had a POD completely full plus enough to fill another one half full. Everything was free....people who will probably never come to our church were given as much clothes as they wanted...Free!

On a personal note....driving a race car by yourself at 143 miles a hour is Awesome! Doing it for 18 laps at Lowes Motor Speedway is a great way to spend a Friday night!

Friday, April 18, 2008

190 MPH

Have you ever heard someone say that their life is going a "hundred miles an hour!?"
Most of us know that the term means our life is busy and we feel like we have more to do than we can get done. Their are times at the CSF office people feel like that and when you throw in the excitement of our Expand Adventure it makes seem even faster.

That is what it looked like here yesterday at CSF. I was so proud of our CSF volunteers. We had three volunteers (David & Barbara Hood and Ragan Sokoloski) who were here for almost 4 hours getting the last Expand info all packaged up and ready to be mailed. We had two more Public School volunteers serving here at the same time getting other information complied. Mix that extra stuff in with the normal things happening and these days at CSF we are going a hundred miles an hour....and you know what? I love it! Would not have it any other way! I love going fast....I love being involved and seeing not just action, but purposeful action. Action that changes the world.

Speaking of going fast...Tonight at 7pm I will be at Lowes Motor Speedway enjoying being a part of the Jeff Gordon racing school. I will take the class and then get to drive by myself 12 laps at top speeds of 140 MPH. Then I get to top the night of with a ride-a-long drive with a pro driver that will take me a few laps around at 190 MPH.

That is going to be awesome! I can't wait to push the petal to the metal and drive 140 MPH around the racetrack! (If some of you insurance thinking type people are thinking this may be a quick way to obtain the money for Expand....just know that was a sick thought and the Point Man Policy CSF has on me does not include skydiving and race car driving.) HA HA

I am honored to have been offered this gift from a CSF Player. It will be fun! If your bored and want to spend a cool night at the track I was told that anyone can come hang out and watch. The Hibbard family would love to have you hang with us!

This Sunday is going to be great! Come ready Dream BIG as we continue our Expand Adventure.

Today's Bible Reading: Matthew Chapter 5

This is one of the most famous chapters in the Bible. We get the classic teachings on how we are to live a Blessed Life and what to do to get! Re-read those slowly and think through what we are learning for Expand. Moreover, heed the warnings and teachings of Jesus is Chapter 5 as it looks like these teachings could be taught in direct response to the nightly news!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

An Expand Personal Story

The following was written this week.....

The Fingerprints of God
Are All Over EXPAND
by Scott Sokoloski, CSF Player

I work for a major builder in Charlotte and deal with the cut-throat world of business every day. Recently, I was able to assist in trying to get the additional 38 acres of land for our EXPAND plans. Through that endeavor, it became clear to me that what Kenny and the lead team are doing is certainly smiled upon by God.

How it all came about is quite remarkable. It’s a long story that I won’t go into here, but trust me when I say it’s the kind of opportunity that is virtually unheard of in the “real world” of real estate. The terms for the agreement are no less extraordinary. There is no doubt that this land is a gift from God; there can be no other explanation.

The group of professionals in the Fellowship who have stepped up to help my company in planning and development would make any organization proud. We are truly blessed to have such a great group of excited, dedicated and visionary folks who see the future NOW and work tirelessly towards making it a reality. The chances CSF will have to impact people locally and globally—as a result of what God is putting in front of us with His plans—is truly awesome and quite humbling for me and my family. We have been moved to do all we can to move EXPAND along with God's help and guidance!

I have been attending CSF since mid 2006. On the suggestion of a very dear friend, Ragan, who is now my wife, I took a chance and came to the service one Sunday at Butler High School. From the moment I approached the door and was greeted, I had a good feeling about CSF. I had not been to church for about 20 years, but after my divorce, I felt pulled to find something I was missing. I had grown up in a stodgy "old school" church and never really got it. At that first service at Butler High, Kenny spoke about what it means to follow Jesus. At 40 years old, at CSF, I found a place and a peace that had been missing from my life.

Since then, I have been able to see both my family and the church family grow and develop. Ragan and I have five children between us from previous marriages. All of our kids look forward to the services, events and camps that CSF offers. What a great chance we now have to EXPAND the possibilities for our children so they can spend even more time getting to know about life with God. My family and I are committed to making this Expand dream a reality.

As the first couple to be married in the new building at CSF, we feel a special connection to this Fellowship and look forward to being a part of the foundation and future of CSF for a long time to come. Thanks to the whole Charlotte South family for making my family welcome and letting us "Do Life Together" with all of you!

That is a great story. Together, we can be a part of changing and impacting more lives! It is time to Expand!

Today's Bible Reading: Matthew Chapter 4

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What Should I Do???

I am pleased to announce that many, many, many people are very excited about our Expand Adventure. As we are now getting closer to our big pledge day on May 4th people are talking more and more about the exciting things that are happening AND what will happen in the future at CSF!

One of the statements and questions we continually get asked goes something like this:

"We really want to be involved in Expand. We want to give so that we move forward with increased ministry opportunities in the new building and with amazing new land purchase. But...we don't know what we should. The economy is tough right now and financial times are tight in our home. What should we do...what should we give?"

I love the honesty and the desire wrapped up in a statement/question like that. Of course, I can't tell any one person or family what they should give. However, I normally share with them this kind of thinking/praying process that they should engage in over the next few weeks:


If you’ll sincerely ask these questions, you’ll be able to arrive at a specific amount to give as a one-time gift and as a three year pledge! The amount will almost always be larger than the first one that “popped into your head” since it will be a step of faith!

1) Will I give based on reason or revelation? Is my up-front cash gift and three year pledge just what I think I can give or is it what God wants to give through me if I am willing?

2)Does this amount really stretch my faith? God promises to meet your all needs as you give according to his leading. “You will have everything you need and plenty to share.” 2 Cor. 9:8

3)Does my gift show that I really value what is most important now and in eternity over personal material gain? “Tell them to use their money to do good..always being ready..By doing this they will store up real treasures as a good foundation for the future so that they make take hold of real life!” 1 Timothy 6:19

4) Will my gift and sacrifice demonstrate my thankfulness to God for how much CSF has changed my and others lives? “Now I want you to excel in the gracious ministry of giving.” 2 Cor. 8:7-8

5) Does my gift represent a genuine sacrifice? Our theme has always been “Equal Sacrifice not Equal Gifts.” We enjoy a state-of-the-art first phase building now, because many people made sacrifices in the way they live, spend their money and invest for the future.

6) Do I desire to be faithful with what God has given me by doing my part? CSF has never been about a few "sugar-daddies" dropping HUGE amounts of money to support us. It has always been about everyone putting a hand in and doing God's purpose for our church a TEAM. (Side note...Sugar-daddies are welcome to drop HUGE amounts...if you so desire! HA HA)

I hope this helps....please forward to all your CSF friends that may be asking this question.

Today's Bible Reading: Matthew Chapter 3

Today we read about Jesus' baptism. Jesus set the example for all of us. Baptism is an outward sign of the inward commitment we have made to follow Jesus Christ as savior. It is a physical symbol of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus! TONIGHT we will celebrate baptism with 20 new believers at CSF. I hope you are planning to attend this great occasion.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Whose Church Is It?

Last night my two-year-old (turns three next month)son saw a picture from one of our Expand mailings that had a picture of our current building on it. He said...."That's the church!" My first thought was...."boy, we are raising a bright one!"

I followed up his declaration by asking him..."Brady, whose church is it?" Honestly, the good side of me was hoping he would say..."That is MY church!" Also, the bad side of me, was kind of hoping that he would say..."That's daddy church." (Give me a break...Everyone wants their son to think highly of them!)

Instead, he said...."That's Eric's Church!" My wife busted out laughing. Brady was referring to Mr. Eric who is the volunteer leader of his classroom on Sunday morning. Immediately, I thought how cool is that. Brady thinks that it is Mr. Eric's church because at this point in his young life, it is Mr. Eric at church who is having the greatest impact on him.

I think this a perfect example of how we have always positioned CSF. Each person who is on the Team has a critical role of service, influence and ministry. We are a Fellowship that has hundreds of leaders and ministers. The answer to whose church is it??? very clear and simple. It is God's church. We have a TEAM approach to changing and impacting our city, nation and the world. We are a "Team Church".

From the start of CSF we have vowed to attempt such big dreams that if they were to succeed it would be because God was in it and he alone would get the Glory. This is the meaning of Ephesians 3:20 that we have for our Expand verse.

I sometimes get nervous when I hear people speak of a local church and they refer to it like this: "Well, I go to __________'s church" and they give the name of the Lead or Senior Pastor. Or, when they refer to a church they refer first to the name of the Lead Pastor and not to the name of the church.

As we will take all of us coming together. Serving, giving and being the local church. Whose church is it? It is God's church as he is the ultimate leader. However, we are the church...the people.

Today's Bible Reading: Matthew Chapter Two

Oh yes...the classic Christmas story. Did you read fast and blow through it because you think you know the story and their is nothing new to learn? You may not learn any new facts...but don't miss the fact that God was watching over Joseph and Mary. He had asked them to do something special. However, all was not going smooth. (never does) One principle that you may need to hear today is this...where God guides you, he will provide for you. May not be easy, may not be like you "planned"...but if we are putting God first and doing our best to do what he asked us to do, God will take care of us.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Dash & The POD

Yesterday was another great day at CSF. Our Expand Adventure is off to a wonderful start. Many of you commented that you enjoyed the scope of the message and that you were challenged to really make a difference in your one and only life. As I stated yesterday, we don't choose when we are going to be born, to whom we will be born and in what setting. For the most part, we should never choose when we are going to do die. (that is called suicide) The only aspect of our life that we have a choice over is the life we live from birth until we die. We called that the DASH....most tombstones read something like: May 1905 - January 1980. The "dash" that is between those two dates represents our life. This is the only aspect that we can control what we choose to do with our life.

What are you doing with your Dash?

Yesterday, you responded well to our Expand Clothing Drive. By weeks end we will have filled up the portable POD with clean, lightly used clothes. Then, on Friday night, our Volunteers will unload at Walter Bickett Elementary School. The clothes will be placed on tables in their gym and over 700 kids and their families will be able to take all they want for FREE! Great job Expanding our Influence.

Back to the DASH. This coming Wednesday night we will have our Fellowship Service. We will have communion, baptism and then we will have a great time of worship and prayer for our Expand Adventure. Wednesday night we will all join together..hand in hand...and circle our current building. We link our lives together and PRAY! We will link our lives together and dream! We will link our lives together and do more as a Fellowship than we could ever do alone.

Be here Wednesday for this awesome night. Our Fellowship Services are always a great time! The Baptisms are a sight to behold.

Today's Bible Reading:

We have started Matthew today. If you like Jesus will love this book of the Bible. Chapter one speaks directly to my teaching on the DASH....the book starts with listing people who lived and then died. A genealogy. When your name is listed one day in the paper as having lived and now dead....what will people say about the influence you made? "People will talk about you when you are gone. You decided now while you are here what they will say."

Friday, April 11, 2008

Make A Wish Foundation Concert Tonight

Two weeks ago CSF was approached by a High School girl who was in a bit of a crisis. She had been planning a benefit concert for The Make A Wish Foundation in honor of her friend who had passed away a few months earlier. She had contacted a few Christian Bands and asked them if they would be willing to play at the concert. They said yes. She then contacted the local Christian radio station and they were excited to support her through advertising and would even do a live remote on site at the concert. She had also contacted a church to see if they would host it. They agreed.

All seemed to be going well until normal conflicts came up and the church could no longer host, the radio station made other plans and one band decided not to come. This was the crisis that we were asked if we could help with and let her have the concert here at CSF. We said yes.....and the place would be free of charge.

Also, our worship leader KC Clark, contacted his band the Offering and asked if they would be willing to play in place of one of the bands that could no longer come. His band said Yes! So, tonight, with about 14 days notice CSF will be hosting a benefit concert for this worthy cause. Our staff and volunteers and put in extra time and have worked hard to make this event happen for this great high school student and this wonderful cause.

If you are looking for something fun to do tonight.......grab a friend and come to this concert. The Offering, Story-Side B, Mono-Stereo and Daniel James. Tickets are $10 a piece and all proceeds go to the Make A Wish Foundation. When they were thinking this concert would not happen, many advertisers back out. So....please send this BLOG around to as many people you know who may enjoy a great night like this! Doors open 6pm!

Todays Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians Chapter 11.

Have you ever felt like you have given and given and given and yet people do not appreciate you for what you have done? They even complain about what you have done with no regard for the personal sacrifices you have made or the time you have invested. Your good is never good enough for some people? If you have ever felt like that.....that is what Paul is expressing in this chapter.

As people who serve and help other people, we should be prepared that many people will never say thanks and will always wonder why you did not do more or something different. Paul was doing all he could and yet the church at Corinth did not appreciate it. Moreover, what really got Paul going was that the people were falling for false teachers because the false teachers were doing what the people wanted...not what they needed.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Each Expand Night Has Been Fun!

Over the last 2 1/2 weeks I have had the privilege to share 10 times in different homes about the exciting things that are going to happen through our Expand Adventure. As many of you know, we took all of our Home Teams and grouped 3-4 together in one home setting so that I could share personally with you about the vision, facts and excitement that is our Expand Adventure.

These gatherings have gone great. I can tell that everyone is excited and listening personally to your dreams of what our church can do was very refreshing. For one thing, much of what was mentioned was outwardly focused on our city and unchurched friends. Moreover, every night of course had different people, however, the dreams were all the same. This lets me know that our DNA as a church flows through the Players of this great church. It was different voices each night, but the same tune and words.

Another great and kind of unexpected pleasure was getting a chance to meet so many people that call CSF home that I have never personally talked to one on one. I estimate that about half of the people that came to these gatherings were people who I did not know. That is great. That is a sign of a growing church that is multifaceted in many ways and is out of my scope of personal contact. CSF is never about one ME it is always about many, many many WE's.

If you missed your Home Team gathering night and would like one on one information and inspiration about Expand....then join us here at CSF next Thursday or Friday. If you need childcare for the evening, please contact or and RSVP you child.

Their is an excitement growing as May 4th approaches....are you ready?

Today's Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians Chapter 10 (for all you non-reader types...these last few chapters have been short...but powerful!) Paul has some pretty strong words for those who were criticizing him and the ministry he was doing. Paul lets them and us know that we have the power to take captive every thought and clean our brains thoughts so that our actions are obedient to Christ. How is your daily life as far as thinking and doing the right thing? Do you give up sometimes and just say "I can't help what I just pops into my mind!" Paul is very clear that we can clear up our thought process.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

13 cents can go a long way!

It all started on Saturday night, March 29th. We were about three hours into our trip to Williamsburg when our van speakers starting howling, crackling and making weird noises. The radio and CD player was off as everyone but me (the driver) was fast asleep.

The next day it continued off and on. Then the dash lights started to fade in and out. Then the auto door locks and windows started choosing when they would or would not work. The parking lights would not turn off even when the key was out and everything turned off. It all came to a head on Friday April, 4th when after having to jump the battery which had died because the lights would not turn off....the horn (alarm) would not shut off. At 8:30 am in the morning in the place we were staying, my horn was blaring without having the key in and the van running. To keep from being beaten up by other peaceful vacationers, I had to jump in the van and drive away with the horn blaring. Finally after hitting a few bumps/holes the horn shut off. However, once I got back to my waiting family and unlocked the doors to let them in...the darn horn started going off. We headed to Busch Gardens in our van with the horn blaring, lights not working, auto doors not working, window stuck half open and not moving and no lights on the dash. A site to behold I assure you.

However, like Chevy Chase in National Lampoons "Vacation", I had promised my kids we were going to Busch we drove the van just like that and headed to Busch Gardens. Finally, about two miles down the road the horn shut off. However, I knew once we got to Busch Gardens and opened the doors....the horn would sing it's loud tune. We parked, the horn went off and I had to start pulling fuses out to shut it up.

We had a great day at Busch Gardens.

Yesterday, the Honda mechanic looked at our possessed van and said all of that was due to the fact that my sweet two-year-old had slid 3 pennies and a dime into the CD Player in the van. 13 cents placed in the right spot caused many, many, many problems that all linked to another problem that of coursed caused another problem. A ripple affect! 13 cents caused me $117 dollars service fee to find the issue and get the change out! 13 cents!!!!

A great positive spiritual lesson can be learned here. God promises us that when we do small acts of kindness and they are placed in the right spot....a ripple affect will occur. When we give even what we may think is a small amount of money or time, and give as God directs in the right spot....he takes it and magnifies the influence.

As Christ followers at CSF always know that God will take what you place in the right spot and make it a meaningful adventure. At CSF I love the fact that everyone here plays a role and can specifically make a HUGE difference when they do what God has asked them to do specifically!

Today's Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians chapter 9

Again, Paul in verses 6-15 says exactly what we believe about giving at CSF! Verse 7-8 is very clear! We give what we have been asked...God uses it to make a huge impact. As we move into our Expand Adventure please remember to focus on what you can do and not what you can't do.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Colonial Williamsburg

Last week the Hibbard family had the privilege to stay a week in Williamsburg, VA for vacation. It was a great week even though it was cold and raining all but one day. One of the fun things we were able to do was tour and experience places like Jamestown, Yorktown and of course Colonial Williamsburg. What a special place.

I loved the fact that this was the birth place of our great country. The first settlements, towns, schools, churches and the like. As we walked around these areas I was taken back by the reality that all these people had moved in faith without realizing that their adventurous risk taking and bravery was leaving a legacy which we all now enjoy. I found myself day dreaming a few times about what it would be like to live in that first settlement of Williamsburg. What would it be like to live through the revolution and be there when America was born! Awesome!

These are similar feelings I have when I walk through our building and dream about what is coming in the near future for CSF. I love knowing that you and I are giving ourselves to a very important cause....that being the building of a great church. A church that changes lives and makes a huge impact on our city.

As we step into our Expand Adventure, ask yourself what kind of personal influence you are having with your one and only life? What type of legacy are you leaving? The first settlers here and the first people to set up what we now call America all had one thing in common. They were willing to be people of influence now so that those who came after them would benefit greatly. That is our Expand clarion call!

One day soon, I believe, we and our kids and thousand others will have their lives changed on this campus site that we settled two years ago and continue to develop. It has been and will be awesome to leave a little worthwhile mark for eternity.

Today's Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians chapter 8

Wow...verses 1-8 says exactly what we all need to hear as we begin praying about our part of Expand. These chapters speak about the grace, joy and legacy of giving as God leads.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Ministry Fair A Huge Success

I am sure that many of you were surprised to walk into the auditorium yesterday and find that all the chairs were up, music was playing, Free Food and drinks were on tables and the entire auditorium was full of tables that represented the many ministry teams we have here at CSF. From sports, to stage design, to care ministry, to Home Teams, to celebrate recovery, to the clean team, to public school impact, to student ministry, to kids ministry...... the tables went on and on.

As we kicked off our Expand Adventure we wanted to make sure that everyone who calls CSF home had a chance to see all the things we are engaged in at CSF and in our community. We highlighted yesterday that we are about impacting and making a difference. After the worship set and my brief challenge, over 100 people signed up to experience a "first serve" with a ministry team. Having 100 new people joining a life-changing team will greatly EXPAND our current capacity of impacting our people and our city.

We are doing great things for the people who call CSF home and many more in our city and world. However, we need to Expand our impact. This is why we must Expand our current facility and our property. Yesterday during all the services there was an excitement and fervor about our Expand Adventure......great things are ahead...make sure you are a part of it.

** Special Alert** About 10 days ago we were contacted by the people of the "Make A Wish Foundation." It seems that after they had already booked a concert to help raise money for the kids in this program, two venues had to back out. They asked us if we would host the benefit concert.....we said, Yes! Knowing what other places were going to charge them, they asked us what we would charge them to use our state-of-the-art auditorium. We told would be free! We told them...make as much money as you can and help those kids! Our place is your place this Friday night.

You see, three years ago when we asked you to give toward building a wonderful 750 seat auditorium, we assured you that our building would be used to impact thousands of people AND that we would always serve our community. That is just how we Roll!

Think about the community impact we can have when we purchase the entire 60 acres and have many multi-use buildings. Great job CSF.....we are living out the biblical principle: "to whom much is given, much is required!"

Today Bible Reading: (I do hope you were reading while I was on vacation)

2 Corinthians 7:10 is a great verse to highlight. It is very clear that when we sin and then have a Godly sorrow, that this will lead to repentance. Godly sorrow is not feeling bad you were caught and it is not just feeling guilty. Godly sorrow is when you admit you were wrong, you ask God to forgive you and you desire to change and not engage in the same thing again.

Today....if you have something in your life that needs to be forgiven...receive it and then repent. Repentance is when you stop what you are doing and go the other way!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

What To Do On 60 Acres

Kenny is on Vacation with his family......

Question as we start our Expand Adventure: What kind of church do you dream about? What kind of church do you dream of being a part of next year? What about 10 years or 20 years from now? Let your mind wonder and your heart dream.....

Think of the ministries we will provide for you, your kids, your family, your friends and our city....with 60 beautiful acres.

Think of the impact that we can have on so many people....far beyond just the Sunday morning experience. Fellowship in the New Testament is about "doing life together". That means all aspects of our lives are changed and reoriented around the truths of Christ. It means ministry and Fellowship available to many different people, 7 days a week on a active and life changing campus.

Time to start dreaming....BIG!

Send this BLOG to all your CSF friends and tell them to start dreaming....tell them to get ready to EXPAND!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Don't Miss This Sunday

Kenny and his family are on vacation.

This Sunday we will officially launch our Expand Adventure. We will have great worship, food and Kenny will share specifically why we need to Expand and how exciting this next chapter of our history will be for all of us.

We can make sure that CSF continues to impact kids, families and all adults. We also have the privilege to secure a great and impacting future for generations of people in the future.

It is time to Expand our Faith....our Influence.....our Fellowship!

Remember, we only have our 9 and 10:30 services this week.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

80's Dance

Kenny is on Vacation this week!

The Hibbard's are enjoying Spring Break in Williamsburg, VA.

Did you grow up in the 80's? Do you love 80's music? Either will love our 80's Dance in April. Live DJ, food and plenty of fun. Come dressed in your best 80's style!

More details soon!