Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Expand Devotion/Prayer Day 10

Touching All the Bases: Turning Second

Still intent on making a stewardship decision? When you have decided to make your decision a matter of faith, then the next step is to seek God’s will. That means getting God involved in your decision and in your life! That means inviting God’s input and guidance. It means asking, “what would You do through me, Lord?” and then genuinely seeking God’s will in your life. Where does one ask God’s guidance and seek God’s will? How does one invite God to participate in his or her life? Those things happen as we intentionally spend time in prayer.

A stewardship decision is a prayerful commitment. Such a decision invites God to the dialog, involving God in the discussion. A stewardship decision becomes much more than just one’s sense of goodwill.Taking the turn at second base will take much prayer…as well as time for listening and learning and reflecting.

A hard but god question to ask yourself as you turn second base is..."what if every person at CSF prayed and then gave in the same manner that I am giving? What if every one's sacrifice, trust and generosity matched mine? Would the needs of the church be met if everyone was like me?" Everyone can be equal when it comes to trust, sacrifice and true generosity. Equal Sacrifice not Equal Gifts is a must in our Expand Adventure. In the end, we will not be held accountable for what others did, but how faithful we were with what we personally have.

Bible Verse

This then, is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:9-10


Lord, I want to honor Your name. Lead me! Your will be done…in me and through me. Let Your kingdom come, here in my life!

PS...have a friend at CSF who does not read the BLOG...Forward it to them!