Friday, October 31, 2008

Set Your Clocks Back

Here are two things every person who reads this BLOG should do on Sunday morning. If you do these two will have the best possible experience on Sunday.

Number One: Set your clocks back on Saturday night. If you do this you will arrive on time and enjoy the fullness of the service. If you do will arrive early and have to sit around while waiting for the next service to start. Of course, for many of you....since you are normally 15-20 minutes late......this will mean that you are only 40 minutes early from the start of the service. HA HA

Number Two: Bring a new person with you. We hear all the time of the great things that are happening in the lives of the people who come to our church. If you bring a person with you on Sunday, both you and that person have a better Sunday. They are introduced to a great God, great Church and a place that seeks to reach them where they are and lead them to full devotion to Christ. YOU are able to learn, be motivated and worship while also knowing you made an impact on someone else.

Never forget.....we are to be people who are sharing our faith and bringing people to check out our amazing God at our incredible church.

See you "On-Time" and with a someone this Sunday.

Today's Bible Reading Mark Chapter 7 & 8

Chapter 7:20-23 restates what I said yesterday. When you and I as Christians have evil thoughts, sexual lust in our mind, and the like....this comes from our hearts and not because the Devil made you think it. Jesus said it comes from our hearts! Ouch! We need to keep our minds and hearts pure and clean. If we do this, then we start to notice our minds thoughts staying pure.

Chapter 8:1-13 Never forget the lesson of the feeding of the 4,000 people. Jesus takes what we have and is willing to use it for His glory....but we must be willing to give Him what we have and trust in Him. God is willing to do miracles in your life, but you have to be willing to trust Him and put your complete faith in Him.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

What is my main issue?

Election Day is almost here. In a few days Americans will go to the polls to cast their vote for our next President. As usual, this is a very important presidential vote. I am always confused and concerned when people are asked...."what is the most important issue in this election that will determine who you vote for"....and people give these kinds of answers :
* The economy
* The war in Iraq
* Immigration
* Health Care

I would agree that those are important issues. However, we are electing a person who is asked to lead a democracy not a dictatorship. All of those issues will be dealt with based on the persons philosophy and personal values in each matter. However, there are no magic wands and the next President can't walk in and make changes with a dictatorial stamp. Our Government does not work that way. Moreover, the President's greatest leadership test are not the known challenges....the greatest decisions are made in those that come as emergencies. No one campaigned in 2000 saying...."what I will do when Terrorist attack our nation is __________." No one campaigned in 2004 saying...."when a huge Hurricane wipes out the gulf coast I will _________." Everyone says what they would have done when the dust settles and the facts are all out on the table. That is not leadership but historical imaging.

So, when someone asked me the other day what I thought the greatest issue was in electing a President THIS year.....I gave them my opinion. I said that for me it does not matter what year it is....the greatest issue is the person and not the issues.

For me as a Christian first and American second, my greatest issue to vote on is about Christian Character, Proven Valued Focused Leadership, Biblical Morals, Integrity and the record of leadership and voting that parallels what I believe are Biblical values. For me, I believe that all known challenges and unknown certainties can be met and navigated through by a person who seeks God, makes decisions based on Biblical values and surrounds himself with others who are known Christian thinkers and leaders. If a President has those traits going for Him or Her in real life and not just in political imaging....then that is my main issue.

If both candidates are equal on Christian Character, Biblical Values Voting, Proven Leadership and the like....then I go to how they view the other hot topic issues. However, if one candidate does not hold my same Biblical, social and leadership values...he does not get my vote. I am more interested in values that have been lived out in the past...because that is a sign of what will be lived out in the future. What a leader says during a campaign does not matter to me as much as the values that have marked their life up until the time to vote. That is my main issue. Challenges will come and go.....a person's commitment to God and His Values stand the test of time.

Don't forget to is an American privilege.

Today's Bible Reading Mark 5 & 6

Mark 5:1-20 Fitting we would read about demon possession the day before Halloween. I always get asked demon possession questions this time of year. Here are the top questions I get and the answers.

1) Can a Demon possess a Christian? No!
2) Can a Demon Possess a non-Christian? Yes...but I would say that it does not happen very often.

3) Can a Demon or the Devil make a Christian have a bad thought by putting something into their mind? No!

4) Are Demons under the complete authority of God? Yes....they cannot do anything that God does not allow them to do.

5) Have you ever met a Demon possessed person? No....But I have seen people who have allowed themselves to fall so far away from what is true and right that they begin to act with what the Bible calls a depraved mind.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Last night the Planning Board voted Unanimous to approve our rezoning. The last hurdle is on November 10th when the Town Board will take that recommendation and cast their final vote. Things are moving forward.....we continue to Dare to Dream at our church and that means moving forward. Keep praying and keep supporting our dream of Expand so that we can create a life-changing campus that reaches and impacts our city!

Have you been to our Believe In Now website and wrote out your God given Dreams? If not....go read what so of the great Dreams that people have. Here is the site

Use this as a tool to invite friends this Sunday. I will very clearly give you the "fool-proof" how to reach your dreams message. If you are a person who has never really seen your dreams happen.....don't miss this Sunday.

Today's Bible Reading Mark Chapter 3 & 4

In Chapter 4 verses 1-20 we get a good lesson on a very important part of reaching our dreams. It is the ability to hear and then ACT on the word's of God. Our God given dreams will be determined by our ability to know God, trust God, follow God and then do what God tells us to do. That is what was said of Caleb and Joshua....they followed God with a passion and wholeheartedly.

What is God asking you to do? Are you doing it?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I hate ants! Especially the little red devils that bite you and it stings and burns like hot needles being driven into your feet. However, as you might know, the book of Proverbs uses the ant as a teaching tool to illustrate a few character traits that you and I should strive to have.

I have discovered another one personally. It is Resilience! I have a cement drive way and of course a cement parking area in my garage. Where the drive way ends and the garage begins there is a joint or crack where one ends and the other begins. This is also the exact same place where the garage door comes down and hits near when it is closed. The joint is actually just inside the door making it in the garage when the door is closed.

Last week I noticed that ants had come from under the ground and up through that joint and made a massive red dirt wall on each side of the joint. Each wall stretched about 18 inches. I was impressed with their wall but it was red and filled with ants. So....I took my broom and sweep their hard work away. I stepped on the ants that were scrambling for safety and thought my work was complete. The next morning.....same exact thing. This time I swept it away and poured bleach in the joint. "That will fix them!" Two days later the red wall was back and larger this time. "You have got to be kidding me..." To cheap to go and get ant killer....I swept them away again and this time poured 2-3 different kinds of "cleaning chemicals" into the crack.

Guess what? You guess it...Sunday morning when I was leaving the walls were back and now were even larger and going in 4 different directions. Unbelievable! They keep coming back again and I swept them away again and poured Coke in the crack. I will let you know if that worked!

Here is the point.....those little ants are determined and resilient! As you Dare to Dream never forget that many times God given dreams...BIG and small....will sometimes takes the resilience of an ant!

DON'T Forget to go to and read all the dreams and then post your own. Have fun with this site and respond to others that you read about.

Today's Bible Reading Mark 1

The book of Mark is great.....this chapter has a few different clips of Jesus doing great things. However, I want to focus on verse 35. It says that very early in the morning, Jesus got up and went and prayed. This is Jesus.....and He knows that He needs to spend time talking, thinking and having personal worship with His Heavenly Father.

What about you? Do you take time to Pray? Take time to sit and chat with God? I need it, you need and Jesus modeled it. As we position ourselves for great Dreams....remember all God given Dreams start with having time with God.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Dare To Dream interactive VLOG/BLOG

Yesterday was a fun day. I hope you took some time to put your feet up and start the process of Daring To Dream. Here are the three things that you will need to do to get started in this daring process.

Allow Your God Given Desires To Soar:

Do you really believe that God has more for you to experience than what you are doing now? If so, begin to day dream and let your heart's desire soar. Just ask your self questions like....what do I really enjoy doing, what are some things I would like to accomplish? What desires and passions has God placed in me that are unmistakable?

Don't allow the Box Life mentality ground you:

Your Past does not have to paralyze you. Don't have a fear of what people might say and don't shrink back and be hindered by hurdles that you think are there.

Keep Yous Focus On God:

God powered and guided dreams will never NOT succeed!

This simple mental and soulful assent will allow you to begin the process of Daring To Dream! Also, don't forget that we have a SPECIAL website for this series. This website is an interactive video and written BLOG site where you can share your dreams, learn and be encouraged from others and I will also be posting helpful replies. The site is

Have fun with it!

Today's Bible Reading Acts 27 & 28

Today ends our journey through the book of Acts. I love chapter 27. It shows us that no matter how tough life looks...God is always in control for those who Love and Follow God. Paul was a prisoner on a ship that was blown to bits in a 14 day Hurricane. That does not appear to be "the Blessings of God" that is promised to those who follow God wholeheartedly. However, remember that God never promised what we think he has promised.......He never promised and easy life full of wealth, ease of life and healthy homes. What He promised is that in the middle of the storms He would care for us. What He promised is that He would use life's hard times to show Himself powerful through us as we obey and trust Him.

I love the fact that the Roman guards and leaders on the ship went from not listening to Paul to doing whatever he said. In the middle of the storm Paul took bread and blessed it and in a sense had communion with them while the ship was being battered. That is a GREAT picture of trust in God! I also find it curious that once they were able to board another ship to sail...Paul was still a prisoner who had to stand trial.

What storm are you in right now? Have you decided to trust God in and through the storm? Like the ship in the story.....if you stay with God and does what He will be fine. If you leave the safety of obedience to may find yourself swimming alone.

Friday, October 24, 2008

A cold practice.....but life lessons

My Pop Warner football team had practice as usual last night. As you know, it was colder than normal for this time of year. With the temps dropping and attention spans following them.....I wanted to make sure I finished the practice off with some encouraging words about what it means to be on a Team. This was especially needed as we head into the final few games and we are 3-3 as a team. Not bad...but not great. I wanted to remind them that even though we are out of the playoffs we sill have three goals to aim for this season. We want to have fun in all we do, we want to have a winning record and we want to win the MARA Bowl.

I shared with them that no matter what they do in life that when they are in a group, team or even church....there are three aspects of being in these entities that are common...if they are to be successful. These are:

One Purpose: Every team knows what is the main purpose or vision. It is stated, it is clear and it is specifically singular.

Shared Responsibility: Every person must know and do their part or role.

Personal Devotion: Each person is committed to being their best and doing what they have to do personally so that they can do their part and fulfill their responsibility.

Very simple.....but very meaningful.

Did you know that those are the same three things that define Biblical Fellowship. The term Fellowship and Team are synonymous! Question for you as a part of this Fellowship or Team....Do you know our One Purpose as a church? Do you share in the responsibilities of achieving that purpose? Are you personally devoted to growing so that you can fulfill your role?

Today's Bible Reading Acts 19 & 20

The first part of chapter 19 seems confusing. We read about people being baptized but not receiving the indwelling Holy Spirit. Here is why.....John the Baptist had traveled to this area and preached about the One who would come... The Messiah. He told them to pray to God and ask for forgiveness and begin to live a God honoring life because the Messiah was coming. These folks heard, believed and were baptized based on John's preaching and then they used baptism as an outward sign of their commitment they had just made. However, at that time, when they showed their faith in what John was saying...Jesus had yet to be crucified, buried and risen again. They had put their faith in the One who would do all those things as John told had not happened yet.

By the time Paul travels to this outback place....They had been living and honoring God the way John had told them. However, no one had told them that the Messiah had come and was killed and risen again. Once Paul told them....they were able to place their faith in the Risen Lord and just like you and I they were able to become Christ followers and have the Risen Lord live in them through the Holy Spirit...just like you and me.

Those were special times and special circumstances. Like none the world had ever seen or would ever see again. They were living in the times of Christ....before His death and of course like us...after His death and resurrection.

The Question many have is this....Can you "accept Jesus one day and then only later when a preacher lays his hands on you get the Holy Spirit?" is all at one time deal for any of us living post resurrection. When you and I ask Jesus to be our savior...we receive the Holy Spirit immediately.

So what is all the antics on TV when the Preacher is running around hitting people and they "are receiving the Holy Spirit" because he touched them? Just that....antics.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Spelling Test

Last night before he went to bed and then again at our weekly breakfast meeting this morning...I helped my son study for his spelling test. Sounds like an oxymoron doesn't? Me...the king of misspelled words... helping him with his spelling.

However, there we were in the restaurant going over spelling words. I would give him the word and he would write it on a napkin. He said to me...."I hate spelling test!" I wanted to say...."me too!" But I did not! I told him that spelling test were a way to make sure that each student studies and learns how to correctly spell common words. I reminded him that Test are designed to make sure he is learning the information. If he did not have Test....he and his teachers would not have a measure of what is being learned and what is not. Information that is not tested is an unknown quantity. You can say you know something....but unless you are have no way of really knowing if you understand it and really have comprehended it.

As soon as I gave him that little speech.....I soon felt the Holy Spirit whisper to me..."same is true with faith and other godly principles I say that I have knowledge of from the Bible."

These are "testing" times for many people in many different areas. Try not to begrudge the test...see them as an opportunity to prove your knowledge in an area and your ability to do the right thing.

Today's Bible Reading Acts 17 & 18

These verses show that Paul was a man who understood the information and theology of God and His ways. However, the Bereans were people who also knew what the Holy Scripture said and they would listen to Paul and then check what he said against the truth of the scriptures.

I am always amazed when I hear some pastors teach or read a book by a pastor and realize how incorrect their teaching is when compared to what the Bible says. However, people just take what they say as being true. That is crazy!

Moreover, we also read that Paul was tested by circumstances too. He would find himself "tested" to see if what he believed about God was really what he "actually" lived out.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bambino Baseball

As many of you know, my Daughter Ellie has severe mental and physical handicaps. She has enough issues that we were forced to place her in a special home last Spring. That was one of the hardest things we have ever had to do. However, seven months after being there she is doing really well and she loves her new home and seems to be thriving.

She is doing so well that last Sunday we took her to play in her first baseball game. That's right.....Ellie played in a baseball game that is especially designed for kids with special needs and challenges. MARA has a great program on a few Sunday afternoons for special need kids called Bambino Baseball. It is volunteer run by a few wonderful coaches that are already involved in many other sports at MARA. They give their time and energy to help these kids and their families have just a slice of normality as a kid.

Each special needs kid gets a "buddy" that plays along side of them. This "buddy" helps them do the things that they can not do. For example...the buddy may stop the ground ball then hand it to the special needs kid who then attempts to throw it. In more severe cases the buddy may have to help the player run or know what direction to run in and the like.

This past Sunday was great as my 10 year son, Peyton, was Ellie's "buddy". She had a good time. She of course had to have her metal walker and could not do much in the field. However, when it came time to swing the bat and then run...she had a ball. Peyton would help her swing and then she would follow fast after him to each base. Most of the time....he would have to help her in the last stretch of the base running. It was a beautiful cool fall day and for the first time in her life....Ellie was playing a sport and had our Home Team and other friends there cheering for her.

I share this as an update on how well Ellie is doing and to remind you of what good can come about when people have vision to help others. Always remember that the vision of our church is so much more than one hour Sunday Services. The vision for our 60 acre campus is so that we can provide a location for our city to come and have their lives changed. That can be with special needs kids on a baseball field, a single mom's car care garage here that functions to help those in need, a gym for teenagers, class rooms for kids to learn the Bible, a studio for those with music gifts to train and produce the worship that moves us and the list goes on and on........

Our vision and passion is to impact this city in many, many, many various ways. Are you ready to really change our community, city and world?

Today's Bible Reading Acts 15 & 16

Many people read these passages and wonder..."how could Paul and Barnabas get into a fight so bad that they split ways?" Answer: They were human just like you and me and they had pride, jealously and other sinful desires that fueled their disagreements.

For a time, Mark had not kept the same values as Paul in the acceptance of non Jewish Christians based on faith alone. Mark was pushing for the Gentiles to have to follow some Jewish "outward" traditions before they could be "Christians." He also left them high and dry in the middle of a tough trip. Paul did not want to bring him again.

Barnabas disagreed and thought they should give him another chance. They went their separate ways. The end of the story works out as both men were successful with new partners. The point is that good people can disagree....and if they will continue to do what God tells them for the right reasons....then and only then can God use what started out as a negative in a positive way.

do you have anything happening in your life that is maybe a negative but.....if you do the right thing and follow God...he can use it soon for His Glory?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Believe In Now Starts This Sunday

This Sunday we will start a new series entitled: Believe In Now

This is a great series as we as a nation face many challenges. It is a much needed series as we as individuals are living in current times that are nothing like many of us have ever had to live in before. This is a series about having Big Dreams and what it takes to see them come true. This is a series that will show you how to live your best life you prepare for a dynamic future.

This is a series for everyone who has been told you will never amount to anything. For the person who thinks that their past has to be the same as their future. This is a series for anyone who wants to find out how they can align their life with God's will so that they achieve more than they ever thought possible.

This is a series for those who want to be successful in the small things of life as well as the big dreams. For those who are not satisfied with status-quo in their life and want to live the blessed life that God desires for you. In this series we will look at the stories of great people in the Bible (Joseph, Caleb and Joshua)and see how they were able to Believe In Now and watch God give them the desires of their heart as they followed Him with passion.

Here are the life changing and pro-active message titles:

Believe In Now

October 26th Dare To Dream
November 2nd Say Yes...Action Steps To Living Your Dreams
November 9th Fail Forward...never give up!
November 16th Creating A Dream Team
November 23rd Team Church

Invite a friend this week who needs to hear about how they too can have and achieve their dreams! Don't be shy....invite your friends. I know that many of you stayed away and did not invite your friends to our Sex & Sensibility series because of the subject matter. Everyone needs to and can hear this series!

Today's Bible Reading Acts 13 and 14

These chapters chronicle the missionary journeys of Paul and Barnabas. Can you imagine sailing on a ship to all these places to spread the good news of Christ to those who had never heard and plant churches in such places. Big Dreams...Big Risk...Big Results.

While reading through this morning I read again a life verse of mine. One that I read back in College and determined that was a dream God had laid on my heart that He would fulfill as I passionately followed Him. Chapter 13 verse 36 says "when David had served God's purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep."

You may be thinking....crazy life verse. Not was simple to me then. I want to serve God in my own generation and help reach those in my generation that have rejected or never heard for Jesus Christ. That has been my calling and purpose since I became a youth pastor when I was 18. God gave me a dream then...

Do you have a verse that is special to you?

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Fully Developed and Healthy Rose

Yesterday was a straight forward and needed message. Not easy to hear. Not laced with funny antidotes to make the information go down easier. As I stated in the message.....times are to critical for our kids/teens and their sexuality for us to put our heads in the sand and hope things will get easier. Our culture is Sex crazy and is not sensible when it comes to our sexuality. This is never more true than when we look at the culture we are raising our kids.

I have been flooded with comments and emails about the message and how helpful and timely it was. More than one person told me...."I wish my parents or pastor would have had the courage to say what you did about the truth of consequences."

I want to encourage everyone to send an email with our website link and the video of the a friend. The message is that vital. Please give until Wednesday for this to happen as our Media Pastor's wife had a baby last Monday and he will need an extra day or two this week to catch up.

Also, many of you asked about website help and filters for your computers. Here is the list that we had in the Sunday handout:

and the filter we use at the church and at home is

I hope as parents you will talk to your kids and keep the lines of communication open about this very important talk. If they admit to you that they have seen Porn on line....don't freak out. Offer to help and walk through the addiction with them. Also, I hope you will take series my challenge about the different types of technology that IS KILLING OUR KIDS! Ask yourself if they really need to have the web in their pocket, cameras that take pictures and send secret coded messages and the like. Remember...YOU are the parent.

Today's Bible Reading Acts 20

Paul gets a little long winded and a guy falls asleep. He is sitting in a window and falls to death. Paul stops speaking and goes and brings him back to life and then goes back to teaching. The books of Acts is filled with these kinds of super natural happenings. I am sure people have fallen asleep before when I am speaking....however, if they die, they are on their own. HA HA

The verse I wanted to point out is 20, 27-28. Here Paul tells them that he loves them enough to tell them all the truth, even if the truth hurts. He says he has never hesitated to share with them anything they needed to heat that would lead to a better and more fulfilled life. That has always been our goal at this church. That was the goal yesterday.....speak the truth in love so that kids, teenagers and parents will make better choices about their sexuality.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Kids, Teenagers and their Sexuality

Everyday in the news, somewhere in our country.....there is a Sex story involving kids. Here are a few just from this week:

1) Girl in Michigan takes nude pics of herself and sends to a few boys. They in turn send to hundreds of people at the local school. She and they are being charged with child pornography charges since she was under age. What makes a High School girl take a nude picture of herself and send to a bunch of boys?

2) Girl nine...raped and is now pregnant from her mom's boyfriend.

3) Christie Brinkley's husband has an affair with teenager and makes a sex tape that is all over the web.

4) High School has an out-break of HIV scare because one known HS boy has HIV and says he has slept with many of the girls in his school recently. Plus, many at the school are having oral sex which can also spread the HIV virus and other STD's.

5) Young girls (4-6th grade) admit they want to be and look sexy for boys at school in a recent survey. Parents are buying the clothes and helping their elementary aged girls "to fit in sexually."

6) Boys as young as 11 addicted to online porn. HS Boys and Girls viewing hard core porn weekly.....This Sunday, I will reveal some survey percentages from our very own student ministry that will shock you!

7) Parents allowing teenage daughters to have "cosmetic" surgery to help them feel confidant about their sexuality.

The Sex Crazy culture we are raising our kids in is unbelievable. So...what should wise parents do? You can't run to the hills and live in a cave! You and I must understand the issues and then help our kids and teens navigate the rough sexual waters. This Sunday we will talk openly, honestly and biblically about this topic. Your 6-12th grader needs to be here....and you should be sitting right next to them.

Today's Bible Reading Acts Chapter 6 & 7

I have to wonder what today's TV pastors who only preach health, wealth and prosperity think of these two chapters? Stephen is a GREAT disciple, pastor and man of God. Yet....he is tied to a pole and stoned to death for his faith. We should also know that this is not a one time event. These types of persecutions are recorded through out the Bible. Moreover, these types of killings happen in today's world in other countries.

What would you do if you were in Stephen's sandals? Would you speak the truth and stay faithful or compromise your beliefs? Most likely no one will tie you to a poll today. However, you will be faced with many opportunities to back down from what is right and true. How will you respond when your faith and integrity forces you to lose, be hurt, made fun of or maybe just miss out on some fun?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tough Vereses

Todays Bible Reading is a tough one...I will take the entire entry to chat about it.

Today's Bible Reading Acts Chapter 5

This chapter starts out with a punch in the gut.....At first glance it appears that God killed a husband and wife because they told a little lie. Here is a little background on these curious events. The First Church was coming alive in very difficult economic, political and religious times. Christians were being persecuted and many times were not allowed to have basic needs met because of their faith in Christ. The first church vowed to come together as one Fellowship or Team. They each made vows that they would serve, love and help the others in the Church so that none went with out basic needs met. Chapter 4 tells us they were of one heart and mind and each made a promise to do what they could to help each other.

No one was forced to do anything....the selling and giving of property was a choice a church member could make or not. However, once you made the commitment to give a certain amount from your resources...the Apostles took that as a real oath and promise. From that they would make plans to make sure people in the church were taken care of. So why was their judgment so harsh?

They made a vow and purposefully did not keep it so that they could have more for themselves. Notice....the issue is not that they did not is that they made a public vow to honor God and give a certain portion. They lied, were greedy and did not follow through on a value of fellowship as they said they would. People were counting on their commitment. Most likely this couple had benefited from this arrangement. The money was there....they just decided to act in a selfish and deceitful way.

God takes serious our vows that we make. He takes series the concept of fellowship and team....that once you make a commitment to a group of follow through to the best of your ability. If you are enjoying the fruits of the system and promise to keep your end of the bargain.....God expects you will do it. Also, notice that Peter tells them, you have not lied to men....but to God. Character is the focus here, not money.

This idea of personal character and responsibility is missing in our culture and is a glaring weakness in our many of our politicians. People make promises and don't keep them if keeping a promise does not help them personally. We say one thing and do another if it seems better for us. I would agree that this story of Ananias and Sapphira is tough.....however, verse 11 says that after this event....the whole church was seized with great awe and respect for God and the concept of how church really is to function. Sometimes it takes tough discipline to make us change and be the person we need to be......

The rest of the chapter once again shows us that many times as a Christian and as a church we can do great things (verses 12-16) and still have hard times. Peter and crew were thrown in jail. However, in the midst of the hard times, God uses their faith to continue to reach people and advance the good news of salvation. Why? In verse 38-42 it says....because if what they are doing is from God and the people doing it are honoring God...then God will make sure it accomplishes His will. It will not fail!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Round 1 over

We had well over a 100 CSF people show up last nigh to the Town Hall rezoning meeting. The place was standing room only and over-flowing out into the atrium. Great job. We came, we stated our dream and vision for the land, we were ready to defend ourselves....and the one family who has caused all the challenges and spoken poorly about me and the church to our community did not even show up!

Mayor, Lee Myers, and the rest of the Town Council could tell that 99% of the people there, were in support of the rezoning. No one from the board asked questions and we did not have to go into much detail. Two weeks from now we will go back and may have to answer some questions before they vote that night. However, that night there is no speaking to the rezoning from those who are against it. They will just be asking Corey and I about the specifics of the plans.

Speaking of Corey Baker.....this guy is awesome. Corey started coming last August when he got a Carolina Panther magnet calendar with our info on it. He told me that any church that would put out such a magnet and claim to be a church for men....was one he could take time to check out. Corey had never really been to any church and he and his wife have fallen in love with ours over the last year.

Last spring, Corey told me he was a civil engineer and he would like to help us with the site planning and such with the new land we were trying to buy. Over the last nine months, Corey has put in hundreds of "volunteer" hours and developed our site plan, made all the drawings, lead all the meetings with the town, city and state and is the only reason we were able to have this professional civil engineering, site plan, and all the other hundreds of things that have to be done to buy and rezone a piece of land. He has done all this as a volunteer......that... my friends is team work for a Kingdom Cause. Thanks Corey!

Today's Bible Reading Acts 4

I love this section of Acts! The stories are great and the action is much like we go through today as Christians and as a church. In verses 1-12 we see that it is alright to speak up for yourself and Christ. It is alright to defend your honor and stand up for what is true and just.

In verses 13-21 shows us that Peter and the others where taken serious not because of their education or that they had anything special going only thing that separated them was the fact they had been changed by Jesus.

Verses 23-31 reminds us to be resilient in our Christ honoring pursuits and have courage not to back down.

Verses 32-36 Reminds us again of the fact that the local church is a group of people who are radically committed to God and passionately committed to each other. One for all and all for one.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Rezoning Vote Tonight

As I shared with you last week, we are having our public hearing at Town Hall tonight. Tonight is the night the town council will hear our bid for having the land behind us rezoned from a Residential zoning to that of Residential/Institutional.

We are asking all CSF people to come out and show your support for the dream and vision that we have as a church for our city. The more the better. Remember.....don't think that we will have plenty of people and not show up....because if everyone does will be just our staff there.

As I said last week, their is one family that will stand up in sharp protest and will not speak very well of me or the church. expecting that. However, we will not combat the family, we will just remind them of our track record in the city and what great things we have done and of course plan to do. That should be all that it takes.

Your attendance is needed to show the town council that although they have one voting family that opposes the rezoning.....we have hundreds of voting families that are in agreement. Just like in any election.....your vote counts tonight!

See you there....wear your CSF shirts and the like.

Today's Bible Reading Acts Chapter 3

The power of the Holy Spirit working in miraculous ways is evident in the book of Acts. Here, we see Peter healing a crippled beggar. He asked for a hand-out and instead received healing of his broken body. Why did Peter do this?

He did it of course for the beggar to have a working body. However, he also did it so that the power of the risen Christ could be evident to all those who had recently had him crucified. Always, remember to share with others what God is doing in your life. This is a great way to share your faith and lead others to our God who changes lives.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Great Job Kristine!

Kristine Wood has NEVER EVER spoke before in a church setting.....however, I felt as though she had plenty to say to the ladies about Sensible Sexuality. She did a great job. Like all our messages now, you can go to and view her message on line. I would encourage you to watch it, if you were not here and I would also encourage you to ALWAYS use this video website presence to send to friends as you share with them your faith and about our church.

This coming Sunday is a must for all parents and the 6th -12 grade students. I can't express how needed this talk is for the kids and teens in our culture. The view of sexuality that our kids are growing up with is so far from sensible and even further from what God says is pure and right.....that it almost scares me. However, we as parents do not have to be scared...just wise. We will have to learn to be the parent....and as we are learning in Ephesians, we to strive to "Not let even a hint of sexual immorality" into our kids world.

Speaking of kids......I must once again implore parents on two issues:

1) Please consider attending our 9am (if you have baby - 5th grade) or our noon service if you have baby - 1st) to help with our crowding in the 10:30 service. Yesterday we had to close down some classrooms in the toddler area because the rooms were to full.

2) Please try extra hard to be here on time for whatever service you attend. Our teachers and leaders in the kid's ministry are trying very hard to provide a quality and life changing experience for your kids. However, this is hard when you bring them to their special service or group 10-20 minutes after the service has started.

Thanks for helping us help your kids!

Today's Bible Reading Acts 2

I love the book of Acts. It tells of the first church and shares openly about their goal, accomplishments and struggles. It is here that we are introduced to the word Fellowship. As you know, this is another term used in the Bible for a local church or body of believers. It is Acts 2:42-47 that so many pastors my age heard taught on 10-15 years ago that led us to plant a new style church that would focus on the aspects of what we see happening in those verses.

These verses show the vitality of a local church that so many of us did not grow up experiencing in church. It shows that church is the people and not a one-hour experience of truth and worship on Sunday morning. It shows what we have always believed about the local is a place where lost people find Christ and Christians then impact their local community seven days a week.

As a matter of fact, one reason I love the word Fellowship is because the true biblical meaning of the word parallels to a concept we use a bunch around our here. That word is Team. Think about it....when people in the military, business world, sports world, community leadership, politics and the like....use the word Team they they define it something like this:


* A place where every one's gifts and passion matter for the good of Team.
* A place where my strengths my be different than yours,but,together we each help the Team achieve more.
* A place where everyone has the same Team goals and vision and not personal agendas.
* A place where everyone matters and each person serves and loves the other...knowing full well they will be treated the same because they are on the same Team.
* A place where the Team goals and vision are met because they work hard to achieve them together.
* A place where each person is willing to sacrifice and give for the betterment of the Team goals.
* A place where Team members just love hanging out together because their is mutual love, trust, care and vision.

See....I told you the word Team in our culture means the same as the Biblical word Fellowship. The first church that we read about it Acts in essence was the first group of Christians that functioned as a well-oiled, Christ-honoring....Team. They were the first Team Church.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Message Fit For A Queen

This Sunday will be awesome! I have heard so many men and women say they are looking forward to the Sex & Sensibility message that will be given from a women's point of view from Kristine Wood. I asked Kristine if she would be willing to give this message so that our female listeners would understand that she is speaking truth AND that of course it is coming through the filter of a women's heart, mind, soul and body. Of course, this clear message will be great for the men in the house and even the boys. However, I want to really encourage all parents to make sure your daughters are here!

We live in a culture where many women and girls have gotten caught up in the insensible sexual views, myths, desires, expectations and now actions. This insensible sexuality is leading to confusion, depression, pain and even a sense of loss of identity. Many women have lost all sense of sexual self-worth and inhibition as they see themselves as sexual objects of lust and not valued treasures created by God.

Their is a more sensible way......this Sunday you will hear it!

Tonight: If you are a 4-5 grader and would like to attend the fall lock-in tonight, email Mr. Clint at for details....

Today's Bible Reading Luke 23

This is a famous true story about the life of Christ. As you read through it... were you able to visualize what was going on? I have seen so many movies and dramas over my life about this scene....that when I am reading it....I can see it being played out in my mind's eye. The one aspect of crucifixion that always gets to me is when Pilate tells the crowd that he is going to just punish Jesus and let Him go because he found him guilty of nothing that deserves death. Then the crowd says.....release Barabbas and crucify Jesus.

I have always wondered what happened to Barabbas. I mean Jesus really did die in His place and for him. Not just in a true spiritual sense....but in a real present day "swap". Jesus was killed that day and Barabbas walked away.

What do you think Barabbas did that weekend? What do you think he did with his life that was given a second chance? In seminary I read different thoughts and ideas of what scholars thought happened to Barabbas....nothing definitive....just speculation.

What would you have done if you were "swapped" out with Jesus? Guess a very true sense...when you accepted Jesus as Savior....the same thing happened. You were given a second chance on life. So.....what are you doing with it?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Stand Up An Be Counted

Next Tuesday at 6:30pm we need all CSF Players to come to the City Planning Board Meeting at town hall. The elected officials of Matthews need to know that there are A BUNCH of "voting" people who live here that believe our church and our vision of having a church campus that impacts the city is a good thing for our community.

This coming Tuesday is when they discuss publicly our request to rezone the 38 acres behind our current property. Believe it or not.......there is ONE neighbor who is fighting has hard they can to stop the rezoning. We need to show up in a large force to say that we believe our city needs:

1) A facility that is going to Team up with the Matthews Help Center and offer them building space, volunteers and work along side of them to help serve those who are in need in our area.

2) Athletic fields for "public kid" leagues to use. Our area has large amounts of kids....small amounts of athletic fields.

3) A facility that will have space for single moms to have their cars worked on for free by our volunteers.

4) An outdoor patio area and playground where families can come spend an afternoon.

5) Walking trials alongside certified "green-space" areas.

6) A gymnasium/activities area for kids and teenagers to have a safe place to be on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings.

7) More space for our Sunday morning and evening ministry to kids and teenagers.

8) A facility that is open each day & night for Celebrate Recovery, our very own Matthews Counseling Center and other needs.

As you know this is a great vision and our community needs it!

You should be aware that we will have that ONE neighbor who will show up and speak openly and poorly about me personally and the church as a whole. Will you show up in great numbers and let the town council know that as a voting citizen, that you are in favor of a church being here and doing the great things we always do in our city.

As you know, to many times in politics and in the public arena, it is the "squeaky wheel" that gets heard and wins such rulings even though they may be in the minority of public opinion, morality and desires. The land owners that are next to us that have the most property bordering our new property LOVE our vision and dreams!

I look forward to seeing as many as possible next Tuesday.....even if you cant get there until after 7pm......come. "New Business" will not be until later in the session.....just get there ASAP!

Today's Bible Reading Luke 22

Just like us today....we read about here that a dispute broke out among the disciples of who was the best...the most honored......the person to be revered? Funny, the same type of fights happen today in churches. Pastors and church members wanting to be great and seen as special in other's eyes.

Who is the greatest at our church? Is it the staff? Is it the band members? Is it me because I started the church and I am the Lead Pastor?

Who should be held in "awe and have the respect" of others?

Jesus was very clear......the greatest is the one who serves and does not look to be served. The one who is chooses to take the least important seat and to honor others.
The local church is not about one, two or more superstars who everyone reveres as being special and more spiritual. The local church is about a team of servants who do their best at what God has asked them to do and we serve together as a Team Church.

You can find great team members in the nursery, parking team, tech team, Home Team leaders, clean team, and the list goes on. Are you a Team Member and Player at our Church? If you are one who serves with passion and are great in the eyes of the One who matters!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What do you really believe?

Here is a few very important question for you.....

Do you know anyone that does not go to church on a regular basis?

Do you think that person has ever made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ for salvation?

What do you truly believe will happen to that person if they die without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and being what we call....A saved Christian?

DO you think they will spend eternity separated from God in a place called Hell? Or, do you believe that the Bible is just kind of telling a scary "Halloween" type story to scare people into being nice?

What do you really believe about Heaven, Hell and Eternity?

If you believe that the Bible is there any reason why you would not do everything you can do to invest in that persons life and invite them to join you at church as your guest.

Christian people go to a new church when they are looking for something new, cool or different. They will come when they see a sign, advertisement or the like. However, to really reach a lost unchurched normally takes a personal invitation.

At our creative-arts planning meeting today we will be putting the finishing touches on the next message series and then our best Christmas Series ever.

"Believe In Now" will be a four part series and then "Nativity: A Mural of Hope" will be the entire month of December. You will personally love both of these next messages series. However, they are also PERFECT to bring that person or family that came to mind.....that you know are not Christians. Be thinking and praying now who you can bring....their life depends on it.

Today's Bible Reading Luke 21

When will the end of the world come? Some people look at our economy and mix that with a new president about to take office.....and think we are getting ready to enter into the last days! The fact is that no one knows when the end will come. The Bible does not tell us enough specifics for us to know and God is too wise to tell he knows we could not handle it.

What we do know:

1) The end will come one day!
2) Those who are Christians will live for eternity with God in Heaven
3) Those living and dead who rejected Jesus Christ as Savior....will spend eternity apart from God in a place of torment called Hell.

We must always live with a sense of urgency and be willing to share the love and grace of God at all times.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Our New Campus Is.............

As you know, in the nine years of our history we have specifically given over $125,000, our core group people and other ministry resources to help plant four other new churches that were always designed to be self-supporting and lead by their own staff and vision. All of those churches are doing very well!

Our next strategy begins........ on Monday, Oct 13th, Steve Miller will start as our new campus pastor in the Kershaw, Heath Springs and surrounding South Carolina areas. He will begin working to lay the groundwork for us to start a new campus of our church next year. The strategic plan is to have a few "pre-view" services in February for the core group there that we are building and then go public with area wide invitations for a campus of our church that will begin on Easter 2009.

As I have stated before, we are excited to start a new campus in that area because there is nothing like our vision, philosophy and style within many miles of thousands of people. Our vision to start multiple campuses in smaller cities and towns is a "Great Commission" dream to bring new churches to these areas.

Again, this new campus is US and WE are them! It is ONE church teaming up to reach many people with the same vision, purpose and philosophy of changing an area from the inside /out. To reach those who do not normally attend church, to make an impact in the public sector of life and make sure that it is culturally relevant to that area. This cultural relevance for an area is why we are not starting a campus and then showing a video teaching from the suburbs of Matthews. We have hired a "campus pastor/teacher" to teach and pastor the people who live there. However, the leadership, vision, administration and the like will all be one church teaming up to reach multiple places.

If you know of anyone who lives is these areas.....tell them to contact and we will get them direct information and in contact with Steve. This is going to be great! Next year we celebrate our 10 year anniversary and during that same year we will start our first of many new campuses.

Today's Bible Reading Luke 20

These verses show that the Religious Leaders of Jesus day did not like Him. They were always trying to trip Him up in front of people so that they could accuse Him of something worthy enough to legally place him under arrest or even have Him killed. They were always questioning His authority....but they could not question His wisdom and the way He answered their "gotcha" questions. (Jesus would have done great with today's media.....they would never be able to get Him to misspeak)

These same leaders are the the ones Jesus gives a stern warning against...He says be careful of religious leaders who set themselves up as being special. He says they like to walk around in flowing robes and be greeted as if they are special in the marketplaces. They want special treatment at church and would request that you put them in places of honor at banquets and such. They have long prayers in public for show and long to be treated as "spiritual giants" among the normal people. Jesus always contrasted Himself with these Religious leader, teachers and pastors who used their position to further their own agenda and prominence.

Monday, October 6, 2008

A Man's Service

I was not sure how the average guy at our church would respond to the prayer time at the end of the services yesterday. I know that many guys here are new to church and the whole scene can sometimes be a little different from what we are use to.

However, when I asked each of you who were willing..... to stand as "men" to show everyone else that you were serious about the commitment of getting back to sensible sexuality.....I felt a steely resolve fill the room.

As a reminder here are the four legs that need to be healthy and stable in our Stool of Sensible Sexuality. We need to remember that sexuality is not what we do....but who we are. We need to have:

Sensible Thinking: It is unfair to compare you or your spouse to anyone else as far as looks and domestic abilities. Comparing leads us down a road of dissatisfaction.

Sensible Emotions: Men have to be honest with the fact they we truly desire to be needed, respected and admired. This is the Soulfulness of our sexuality.

Sensible Actions: The physical side of our sexuality is very important to men. Men need to be sensible and understand that we are created differently that women. We don't have to like it....but we do have to accept it and learn to appreciate the differences.

Sensible Beliefs: Men must realize that we are vision driven sexual beings who thrive on the physical aspect of our sexuality. Therefore, we must stand guard and be smart with what we watch, where we go, who we talk to and the like. The path from a little issue to a big problem is a slow fade.

Next Sunday will be awesome as Kristine Wood helps me teach the same type of message to the ladies in the house.

Today's Bible Reading Luke 19

The story of Zacchaeus is well known to anyone who grew up going to church and singing the song about the "wee little man." However, sometimes the depth of his turnaround is not grasped. As you know the Bible is clips of scenes and not a running when we read the story of Zach we sometimes miss the fact that his heart had been changing as he had probably been listening to Jesus for a while. On this day, when Jesus gives him direct attention....Zach is ready and he immediately responds to the conviction of his soul. He repents AND says what he will do to make what he has done right. He had been a crooked tax collector who had cheated people....he now says he will repent and respond by paying back....four times what he stole.

Always remember, godly conviction and repentance is followed by desired change in lifestyle and many times needs to be followed with going to the people we have wronged and see if we can make it right.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Values In The Home

My wife told me a funny story the other day about our three-year-old son. She said that they were riding in the van with another little boy (also three)that she watches a few hours during the day. The other little boy started talking out of the Brady and Kelly and said very articulately "I like to watch Dora The Explorer. She speaks in Espanol ...that means she speaks in Spanish." Brady had no idea what the boy was talking about but must have realized that it would be good to say something profound too and "keep-up" with the presentation that was just made. At that moment, Brady said with confidence...."let's go Gators....let's go Gators" while making the chomping motion with his arms. My wife said she had a nervous laugh about what our kids are learning to value in our home. HA HA HA

As I said on Sunday.....values in the home are more caught than taught. I have never once sat down and taught Brady to say that or showed him how to do the "chomp". He sees, he watches and he knows what is cheered on and what is.....well.....valued. When he felt pushed, squeezed and threatened.....he responded with a value that has been "caught" by living in our home. In the early days of our kids maturation process....they are walking and talking mirrors of what they see, hear and know to be accepted values in the home. In later teen years they will begin to asses for themselves if the values caught in the home are ones they will revolve their lives around.

Let me remind you again to let us help you instill God honoring values into your kids by getting them involved in our Kids and Student ministries.

Today's Bible Reading (new bookmarks available this Sunday!) Luke 16

I just heard from one of our members who works for Wachovia. He said that after more debate the stockholders held out for a better deal and Wells Fargo is going to buy them now instead of Citigroup. This story of the "shrewd" money manager reminds me of this new deal. However, the verse to take with you today is found in verse 10.

"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much." This is true in business and in God's business.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Christmas Is Going To Be Awesome

I know that it is only October 2nd. I know that Halloween and Thanksgiving have yet to be here.....but I wanted you to know that our message series plan for the entire month of December and then concluding on Christmas Eve is going to be incredible.

We spent much of the day yesterday finalizing the overall idea. I don't want to blow the surprise but I can tell you that the stage will have an incredible and huge canvas/wall that stretches the length of the stage. On this wall we will have "live" painting as a mural develops before your eyes during the course of each service. The mural starts to take form on Sunday, December 7th and will be concluded on Christmas Eve. Professional painters from our church will create a Christmas mural while we worship, sing Christmas songs and even while I am speaking. It will be "live" right in front of you!

If you have never been to one of our Christmas series or our Christmas Eve are in for a treat.....and this year will be our most creative yet! Please plan your Christmas Eve schedule NOW around attending one of the three services we will have that day. You can join us at 2:30,4:00 or 5:30pm. Begin thinking now who you can invite to this incredible month of services.

As we were planning these services....I was once again amazed by the level of talented volunteers we have at our church. As you know.... every Sunday our band, creative arts team, media/tech people each produce phenomenal experiences for us. Our value is that we want every Sunday to be an meaningful experience for everyone. We know that to do that....we must engage all your senses. The great part is that except for KC and Brad (who oversee the majority of this ministry) everyone is a volunteer.

They may be professional at what they do...but they serve our church as a volunteer in this matter. Many churches today feel as though they must pay band members, media and tech people to get them to actually want to practice and perform at a high level. This is not the case at our church. We value a Team Church approach to ministry. We have incredible volunteers who serve with kids, with students, clean the bathrooms, play in the band, run the video camera, serve coffee, park cars, lead Home Teams, lead our public school ministry, lead our sports ministry, serve with the Matthews Help Center and the list goes a Team we excel as a Biblically functioning church.

Today's Bible Reading Luke 15

Have you ever lost something of value? Ever lost your wallet on vacation when you knew it was full of "fun" money and credit cards? What feeling do you have once you know it is lost? Got that sick to your stomach feeling in your mind?

Now what feeling comes over you when you stick your hand down in the crack of the rental car to get the "passy" and you feel your wallet.....that moment you know it is not lost but found! Got that great relief feeling in your mind?

Guess what..take those feelings and multiple by millions.....and that is how God feels when he knows you are lost and rejecting his love and then when you accept his love and come to Him.

No matter what happens today in your life....celebrate that you are loved and cared for by God!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Revolutionary Strategy

Almost two years ago we did a series called Sex Crazy. It was clear and very helpful to many. At the end of that series we gave out magnets with 10 things to help keep ourselves out of sexual trouble. I stated then, that it seemed drastic....but we needed a new Sexual Revolution of boundaries if we were to keep our families from having to deal with the many issues that are recking so many homes. I thought as we lead up to our new series that the hundreds of new people since January of 2007 may find these thought provoking and helpful. Here are 10 things we should all commit to if we want to stay away from sexual temptations:

I will have an Internet Filter on all my computers! (all means all)

I will share my personal & work cell phone records with my spouse every month!
(Close friend if single)

I will share the monthly T.V. bills with my spouse.
(Close friend if single)

I will not allow my kids to view sexually graphic or suggestive movies.

I will not allow any type of pornographic literature/videos in my house.

I will dress attractively but not to attract a sexual response from others.

I will talk openly and regularly with my kids about dating, modesty and their sexuality.

I will talk openly and regularly with my spouse (boy/girl friend) about my sexual desires, struggles and boundaries.

I will guard myself from going to places that cause me to “slip” into desires that I know are harmful for me.

I will monitor what I personally watch and read so that it does not lead to sexual desire that are not appropriate for me.

Always remember that Church is the right place to talk about such things. These next three weeks will be very helpful to all of us who find ourselves caught in a world the has made sex an insensible pursuit that leaves us feeling lonely, hurt, depressed, confused and never satisfied.

Today's Bible Reading Luke 14 (new bookmarks coming this Sunday!)

Jesus knows how to tell it like it is.....He nails the people who thought they were "entitled to sit in the best place" at any large gathering of people. He teaches them that we should always choose to honor other people by letting them have the best places and it is better for us to assume the more humble manner...until someone actually ask you to "move-up." This is such a great principle to live by......why do we always assume we are entitled to have the best or worse yet actually put down others by our actions so that they can't have or do something.

Offering your seat on the bus, letting someone pull in front of you in traffic, waiting patiently at the gas station, holding a door for someone as you enter the store....just flat out being gracious and courteous to others is a lost art in our world. Instead we have an "I have to get mine" type of attitude.