Election Day is almost here. In a few days Americans will go to the polls to cast their vote for our next President. As usual, this is a very important presidential vote. I am always confused and concerned when people are asked...."what is the most important issue in this election that will determine who you vote for"....and people give these kinds of answers :
* The economy
* The war in Iraq
* Immigration
* Health Care
I would agree that those are important issues. However, we are electing a person who is asked to lead a democracy not a dictatorship. All of those issues will be dealt with based on the persons philosophy and personal values in each matter. However, there are no magic wands and the next President can't walk in and make changes with a dictatorial stamp. Our Government does not work that way. Moreover, the President's greatest leadership test are not the known challenges....the greatest decisions are made in those that come as emergencies. No one campaigned in 2000 saying...."what I will do when Terrorist attack our nation is __________." No one campaigned in 2004 saying...."when a huge Hurricane wipes out the gulf coast I will _________." Everyone says what they would have done when the dust settles and the facts are all out on the table. That is not leadership but historical imaging.
So, when someone asked me the other day what I thought the greatest issue was in electing a President THIS year.....I gave them my opinion. I said that for me it does not matter what year it is....the greatest issue is the person and not the issues.
For me as a Christian first and American second, my greatest issue to vote on is about Christian Character, Proven Valued Focused Leadership, Biblical Morals, Integrity and the record of leadership and voting that parallels what I believe are Biblical values. For me, I believe that all known challenges and unknown certainties can be met and navigated through by a person who seeks God, makes decisions based on Biblical values and surrounds himself with others who are known Christian thinkers and leaders. If a President has those traits going for Him or Her in real life and not just in political imaging....then that is my main issue.
If both candidates are equal on Christian Character, Biblical Values Voting, Proven Leadership and the like....then I go to how they view the other hot topic issues. However, if one candidate does not hold my same Biblical, social and leadership values...he does not get my vote. I am more interested in values that have been lived out in the past...because that is a sign of what will be lived out in the future. What a leader says during a campaign does not matter to me as much as the values that have marked their life up until the time to vote. That is my main issue. Challenges will come and go.....a person's commitment to God and His Values stand the test of time.
Don't forget to vote.....it is an American privilege.
Today's Bible Reading Mark 5 & 6
Mark 5:1-20 Fitting we would read about demon possession the day before Halloween. I always get asked demon possession questions this time of year. Here are the top questions I get and the answers.
1) Can a Demon possess a Christian? No!
2) Can a Demon Possess a non-Christian? Yes...but I would say that it does not happen very often.
3) Can a Demon or the Devil make a Christian have a bad thought by putting something into their mind? No!
4) Are Demons under the complete authority of God? Yes....they cannot do anything that God does not allow them to do.
5) Have you ever met a Demon possessed person? No....But I have seen people who have allowed themselves to fall so far away from what is true and right that they begin to act with what the Bible calls a depraved mind.