Yesterday was a fun day. I hope you took some time to put your feet up and start the process of Daring To Dream. Here are the three things that you will need to do to get started in this daring process.
Allow Your God Given Desires To Soar:
Do you really believe that God has more for you to experience than what you are doing now? If so, begin to day dream and let your heart's desire soar. Just ask your self questions like....what do I really enjoy doing, what are some things I would like to accomplish? What desires and passions has God placed in me that are unmistakable?
Don't allow the Box Life mentality ground you:
Your Past does not have to paralyze you. Don't have a fear of what people might say and don't shrink back and be hindered by hurdles that you think are there.
Keep Yous Focus On God:
God powered and guided dreams will never NOT succeed!
This simple mental and soulful assent will allow you to begin the process of Daring To Dream! Also, don't forget that we have a SPECIAL website for this series. This website is an interactive video and written BLOG site where you can share your dreams, learn and be encouraged from others and I will also be posting helpful replies. The site is
Have fun with it!
Today's Bible Reading Acts 27 & 28
Today ends our journey through the book of Acts. I love chapter 27. It shows us that no matter how tough life looks...God is always in control for those who Love and Follow God. Paul was a prisoner on a ship that was blown to bits in a 14 day Hurricane. That does not appear to be "the Blessings of God" that is promised to those who follow God wholeheartedly. However, remember that God never promised what we think he has promised.......He never promised and easy life full of wealth, ease of life and healthy homes. What He promised is that in the middle of the storms He would care for us. What He promised is that He would use life's hard times to show Himself powerful through us as we obey and trust Him.
I love the fact that the Roman guards and leaders on the ship went from not listening to Paul to doing whatever he said. In the middle of the storm Paul took bread and blessed it and in a sense had communion with them while the ship was being battered. That is a GREAT picture of trust in God! I also find it curious that once they were able to board another ship to sail...Paul was still a prisoner who had to stand trial.
What storm are you in right now? Have you decided to trust God in and through the storm? Like the ship in the story.....if you stay with God and does what He will be fine. If you leave the safety of obedience to may find yourself swimming alone.