Here are two things every person who reads this BLOG should do on Sunday morning. If you do these two will have the best possible experience on Sunday.
Number One: Set your clocks back on Saturday night. If you do this you will arrive on time and enjoy the fullness of the service. If you do will arrive early and have to sit around while waiting for the next service to start. Of course, for many of you....since you are normally 15-20 minutes late......this will mean that you are only 40 minutes early from the start of the service. HA HA
Number Two: Bring a new person with you. We hear all the time of the great things that are happening in the lives of the people who come to our church. If you bring a person with you on Sunday, both you and that person have a better Sunday. They are introduced to a great God, great Church and a place that seeks to reach them where they are and lead them to full devotion to Christ. YOU are able to learn, be motivated and worship while also knowing you made an impact on someone else.
Never forget.....we are to be people who are sharing our faith and bringing people to check out our amazing God at our incredible church.
See you "On-Time" and with a someone this Sunday.
Today's Bible Reading Mark Chapter 7 & 8
Chapter 7:20-23 restates what I said yesterday. When you and I as Christians have evil thoughts, sexual lust in our mind, and the like....this comes from our hearts and not because the Devil made you think it. Jesus said it comes from our hearts! Ouch! We need to keep our minds and hearts pure and clean. If we do this, then we start to notice our minds thoughts staying pure.
Chapter 8:1-13 Never forget the lesson of the feeding of the 4,000 people. Jesus takes what we have and is willing to use it for His glory....but we must be willing to give Him what we have and trust in Him. God is willing to do miracles in your life, but you have to be willing to trust Him and put your complete faith in Him.