Here is a few very important question for you.....
Do you know anyone that does not go to church on a regular basis?
Do you think that person has ever made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ for salvation?
What do you truly believe will happen to that person if they die without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and being what we call....A saved Christian?
DO you think they will spend eternity separated from God in a place called Hell? Or, do you believe that the Bible is just kind of telling a scary "Halloween" type story to scare people into being nice?
What do you really believe about Heaven, Hell and Eternity?
If you believe that the Bible is there any reason why you would not do everything you can do to invest in that persons life and invite them to join you at church as your guest.
Christian people go to a new church when they are looking for something new, cool or different. They will come when they see a sign, advertisement or the like. However, to really reach a lost unchurched normally takes a personal invitation.
At our creative-arts planning meeting today we will be putting the finishing touches on the next message series and then our best Christmas Series ever.
"Believe In Now" will be a four part series and then "Nativity: A Mural of Hope" will be the entire month of December. You will personally love both of these next messages series. However, they are also PERFECT to bring that person or family that came to mind.....that you know are not Christians. Be thinking and praying now who you can bring....their life depends on it.
Today's Bible Reading Luke 21
When will the end of the world come? Some people look at our economy and mix that with a new president about to take office.....and think we are getting ready to enter into the last days! The fact is that no one knows when the end will come. The Bible does not tell us enough specifics for us to know and God is too wise to tell he knows we could not handle it.
What we do know:
1) The end will come one day!
2) Those who are Christians will live for eternity with God in Heaven
3) Those living and dead who rejected Jesus Christ as Savior....will spend eternity apart from God in a place of torment called Hell.
We must always live with a sense of urgency and be willing to share the love and grace of God at all times.