Everyday in the news, somewhere in our country.....there is a Sex story involving kids. Here are a few just from this week:
1) Girl in Michigan takes nude pics of herself and sends to a few boys. They in turn send to hundreds of people at the local school. She and they are being charged with child pornography charges since she was under age. What makes a High School girl take a nude picture of herself and send to a bunch of boys?
2) Girl nine...raped and is now pregnant from her mom's boyfriend.
3) Christie Brinkley's husband has an affair with teenager and makes a sex tape that is all over the web.
4) High School has an out-break of HIV scare because one known HS boy has HIV and says he has slept with many of the girls in his school recently. Plus, many at the school are having oral sex which can also spread the HIV virus and other STD's.
5) Young girls (4-6th grade) admit they want to be and look sexy for boys at school in a recent survey. Parents are buying the clothes and helping their elementary aged girls "to fit in sexually."
6) Boys as young as 11 addicted to online porn. HS Boys and Girls viewing hard core porn weekly.....This Sunday, I will reveal some survey percentages from our very own student ministry that will shock you!
7) Parents allowing teenage daughters to have "cosmetic" surgery to help them feel confidant about their sexuality.
The Sex Crazy culture we are raising our kids in is unbelievable. So...what should wise parents do? You can't run to the hills and live in a cave! You and I must understand the issues and then help our kids and teens navigate the rough sexual waters. This Sunday we will talk openly, honestly and biblically about this topic. Your 6-12th grader needs to be here....and you should be sitting right next to them.
Today's Bible Reading Acts Chapter 6 & 7
I have to wonder what today's TV pastors who only preach health, wealth and prosperity think of these two chapters? Stephen is a GREAT disciple, pastor and man of God. Yet....he is tied to a pole and stoned to death for his faith. We should also know that this is not a one time event. These types of persecutions are recorded through out the Bible. Moreover, these types of killings happen in today's world in other countries.
What would you do if you were in Stephen's sandals? Would you speak the truth and stay faithful or compromise your beliefs? Most likely no one will tie you to a poll today. However, you will be faced with many opportunities to back down from what is right and true. How will you respond when your faith and integrity forces you to lose, be hurt, made fun of or maybe just miss out on some fun?