Next Tuesday at 6:30pm we need all CSF Players to come to the City Planning Board Meeting at town hall. The elected officials of Matthews need to know that there are A BUNCH of "voting" people who live here that believe our church and our vision of having a church campus that impacts the city is a good thing for our community.
This coming Tuesday is when they discuss publicly our request to rezone the 38 acres behind our current property. Believe it or not.......there is ONE neighbor who is fighting has hard they can to stop the rezoning. We need to show up in a large force to say that we believe our city needs:
1) A facility that is going to Team up with the Matthews Help Center and offer them building space, volunteers and work along side of them to help serve those who are in need in our area.
2) Athletic fields for "public kid" leagues to use. Our area has large amounts of kids....small amounts of athletic fields.
3) A facility that will have space for single moms to have their cars worked on for free by our volunteers.
4) An outdoor patio area and playground where families can come spend an afternoon.
5) Walking trials alongside certified "green-space" areas.
6) A gymnasium/activities area for kids and teenagers to have a safe place to be on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings.
7) More space for our Sunday morning and evening ministry to kids and teenagers.
8) A facility that is open each day & night for Celebrate Recovery, our very own Matthews Counseling Center and other needs.
As you know this is a great vision and our community needs it!
You should be aware that we will have that ONE neighbor who will show up and speak openly and poorly about me personally and the church as a whole. Will you show up in great numbers and let the town council know that as a voting citizen, that you are in favor of a church being here and doing the great things we always do in our city.
As you know, to many times in politics and in the public arena, it is the "squeaky wheel" that gets heard and wins such rulings even though they may be in the minority of public opinion, morality and desires. The land owners that are next to us that have the most property bordering our new property LOVE our vision and dreams!
I look forward to seeing as many as possible next Tuesday.....even if you cant get there until after 7pm......come. "New Business" will not be until later in the session.....just get there ASAP!
Today's Bible Reading Luke 22
Just like us today....we read about here that a dispute broke out among the disciples of who was the best...the most honored......the person to be revered? Funny, the same type of fights happen today in churches. Pastors and church members wanting to be great and seen as special in other's eyes.
Who is the greatest at our church? Is it the staff? Is it the band members? Is it me because I started the church and I am the Lead Pastor?
Who should be held in "awe and have the respect" of others?
Jesus was very clear......the greatest is the one who serves and does not look to be served. The one who is chooses to take the least important seat and to honor others.
The local church is not about one, two or more superstars who everyone reveres as being special and more spiritual. The local church is about a team of servants who do their best at what God has asked them to do and we serve together as a Team Church.
You can find great team members in the nursery, parking team, tech team, Home Team leaders, clean team, and the list goes on. Are you a Team Member and Player at our Church? If you are one who serves with passion and are great in the eyes of the One who matters!