Monday, October 20, 2008

A Fully Developed and Healthy Rose

Yesterday was a straight forward and needed message. Not easy to hear. Not laced with funny antidotes to make the information go down easier. As I stated in the message.....times are to critical for our kids/teens and their sexuality for us to put our heads in the sand and hope things will get easier. Our culture is Sex crazy and is not sensible when it comes to our sexuality. This is never more true than when we look at the culture we are raising our kids.

I have been flooded with comments and emails about the message and how helpful and timely it was. More than one person told me...."I wish my parents or pastor would have had the courage to say what you did about the truth of consequences."

I want to encourage everyone to send an email with our website link and the video of the a friend. The message is that vital. Please give until Wednesday for this to happen as our Media Pastor's wife had a baby last Monday and he will need an extra day or two this week to catch up.

Also, many of you asked about website help and filters for your computers. Here is the list that we had in the Sunday handout:

and the filter we use at the church and at home is

I hope as parents you will talk to your kids and keep the lines of communication open about this very important talk. If they admit to you that they have seen Porn on line....don't freak out. Offer to help and walk through the addiction with them. Also, I hope you will take series my challenge about the different types of technology that IS KILLING OUR KIDS! Ask yourself if they really need to have the web in their pocket, cameras that take pictures and send secret coded messages and the like. Remember...YOU are the parent.

Today's Bible Reading Acts 20

Paul gets a little long winded and a guy falls asleep. He is sitting in a window and falls to death. Paul stops speaking and goes and brings him back to life and then goes back to teaching. The books of Acts is filled with these kinds of super natural happenings. I am sure people have fallen asleep before when I am speaking....however, if they die, they are on their own. HA HA

The verse I wanted to point out is 20, 27-28. Here Paul tells them that he loves them enough to tell them all the truth, even if the truth hurts. He says he has never hesitated to share with them anything they needed to heat that would lead to a better and more fulfilled life. That has always been our goal at this church. That was the goal yesterday.....speak the truth in love so that kids, teenagers and parents will make better choices about their sexuality.