My wife told me a funny story the other day about our three-year-old son. She said that they were riding in the van with another little boy (also three)that she watches a few hours during the day. The other little boy started talking out of the Brady and Kelly and said very articulately "I like to watch Dora The Explorer. She speaks in Espanol ...that means she speaks in Spanish." Brady had no idea what the boy was talking about but must have realized that it would be good to say something profound too and "keep-up" with the presentation that was just made. At that moment, Brady said with confidence...."let's go Gators....let's go Gators" while making the chomping motion with his arms. My wife said she had a nervous laugh about what our kids are learning to value in our home. HA HA HA
As I said on Sunday.....values in the home are more caught than taught. I have never once sat down and taught Brady to say that or showed him how to do the "chomp". He sees, he watches and he knows what is cheered on and what is.....well.....valued. When he felt pushed, squeezed and threatened.....he responded with a value that has been "caught" by living in our home. In the early days of our kids maturation process....they are walking and talking mirrors of what they see, hear and know to be accepted values in the home. In later teen years they will begin to asses for themselves if the values caught in the home are ones they will revolve their lives around.
Let me remind you again to let us help you instill God honoring values into your kids by getting them involved in our Kids and Student ministries.
Today's Bible Reading (new bookmarks available this Sunday!) Luke 16
I just heard from one of our members who works for Wachovia. He said that after more debate the stockholders held out for a better deal and Wells Fargo is going to buy them now instead of Citigroup. This story of the "shrewd" money manager reminds me of this new deal. However, the verse to take with you today is found in verse 10.
"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much." This is true in business and in God's business.