I hate ants! Especially the little red devils that bite you and it stings and burns like hot needles being driven into your feet. However, as you might know, the book of Proverbs uses the ant as a teaching tool to illustrate a few character traits that you and I should strive to have.
I have discovered another one personally. It is Resilience! I have a cement drive way and of course a cement parking area in my garage. Where the drive way ends and the garage begins there is a joint or crack where one ends and the other begins. This is also the exact same place where the garage door comes down and hits near when it is closed. The joint is actually just inside the door making it in the garage when the door is closed.
Last week I noticed that ants had come from under the ground and up through that joint and made a massive red dirt wall on each side of the joint. Each wall stretched about 18 inches. I was impressed with their wall but it was red and filled with ants. So....I took my broom and sweep their hard work away. I stepped on the ants that were scrambling for safety and thought my work was complete. The next morning.....same exact thing. This time I swept it away and poured bleach in the joint. "That will fix them!" Two days later the red wall was back and larger this time. "You have got to be kidding me..." To cheap to go and get ant killer....I swept them away again and this time poured 2-3 different kinds of "cleaning chemicals" into the crack.
Guess what? You guess it...Sunday morning when I was leaving the walls were back and now were even larger and going in 4 different directions. Unbelievable! They keep coming back again and again....today I swept them away again and poured Coke in the crack. I will let you know if that worked!
Here is the point.....those little ants are determined and resilient! As you Dare to Dream never forget that many times God given dreams...BIG and small....will sometimes takes the resilience of an ant!
DON'T Forget to go to http://myteamchurch.com/blog and read all the dreams and then post your own. Have fun with this site and respond to others that you read about.
Today's Bible Reading Mark 1
The book of Mark is great.....this chapter has a few different clips of Jesus doing great things. However, I want to focus on verse 35. It says that very early in the morning, Jesus got up and went and prayed. This is Jesus.....and He knows that He needs to spend time talking, thinking and having personal worship with His Heavenly Father.
What about you? Do you take time to Pray? Take time to sit and chat with God? I need it, you need and Jesus modeled it. As we position ourselves for great Dreams....remember all God given Dreams start with having time with God.