Kristine Wood has NEVER EVER spoke before in a church setting.....however, I felt as though she had plenty to say to the ladies about Sensible Sexuality. She did a great job. Like all our messages now, you can go to and view her message on line. I would encourage you to watch it, if you were not here and I would also encourage you to ALWAYS use this video website presence to send to friends as you share with them your faith and about our church.
This coming Sunday is a must for all parents and the 6th -12 grade students. I can't express how needed this talk is for the kids and teens in our culture. The view of sexuality that our kids are growing up with is so far from sensible and even further from what God says is pure and right.....that it almost scares me. However, we as parents do not have to be scared...just wise. We will have to learn to be the parent....and as we are learning in Ephesians, we to strive to "Not let even a hint of sexual immorality" into our kids world.
Speaking of kids......I must once again implore parents on two issues:
1) Please consider attending our 9am (if you have baby - 5th grade) or our noon service if you have baby - 1st) to help with our crowding in the 10:30 service. Yesterday we had to close down some classrooms in the toddler area because the rooms were to full.
2) Please try extra hard to be here on time for whatever service you attend. Our teachers and leaders in the kid's ministry are trying very hard to provide a quality and life changing experience for your kids. However, this is hard when you bring them to their special service or group 10-20 minutes after the service has started.
Thanks for helping us help your kids!
Today's Bible Reading Acts 2
I love the book of Acts. It tells of the first church and shares openly about their goal, accomplishments and struggles. It is here that we are introduced to the word Fellowship. As you know, this is another term used in the Bible for a local church or body of believers. It is Acts 2:42-47 that so many pastors my age heard taught on 10-15 years ago that led us to plant a new style church that would focus on the aspects of what we see happening in those verses.
These verses show the vitality of a local church that so many of us did not grow up experiencing in church. It shows that church is the people and not a one-hour experience of truth and worship on Sunday morning. It shows what we have always believed about the local is a place where lost people find Christ and Christians then impact their local community seven days a week.
As a matter of fact, one reason I love the word Fellowship is because the true biblical meaning of the word parallels to a concept we use a bunch around our here. That word is Team. Think about it....when people in the military, business world, sports world, community leadership, politics and the like....use the word Team they they define it something like this:
* A place where every one's gifts and passion matter for the good of Team.
* A place where my strengths my be different than yours,but,together we each help the Team achieve more.
* A place where everyone has the same Team goals and vision and not personal agendas.
* A place where everyone matters and each person serves and loves the other...knowing full well they will be treated the same because they are on the same Team.
* A place where the Team goals and vision are met because they work hard to achieve them together.
* A place where each person is willing to sacrifice and give for the betterment of the Team goals.
* A place where Team members just love hanging out together because their is mutual love, trust, care and vision.
See....I told you the word Team in our culture means the same as the Biblical word Fellowship. The first church that we read about it Acts in essence was the first group of Christians that functioned as a well-oiled, Christ-honoring....Team. They were the first Team Church.