Yesterday was timely. Four months ago we decided to do a family series when School started. We also determined that we would do a financial talk on September 21st. What only God could know is that the week previous was going to be the folding of major banks and mortgage institutions and the our nations economy would be so bleak......making the stress of finances in the average home a huge family challenge.
I was glad we had the message yesterday. I believe that many of us are going to have to make some wise financial choices in the weeks and months to come. I mentioned yesterday that Winning Families have a few things in common when it comes to their salary and their finances in their homes. Here is a quick review so that you can give yourself another reminder and check-up.
Winning Families Cap Their Spending: They don't spend more than they make and they don't let the attitude of entitlement and discontent influence their spending.
Winning Families Cap Their Salary: They learn to know when "enough is enough" and learn to be wise in the amount of hours they work or how they pursue a larger income. They realize that there are times in a families life setting that making more and pursing more money is the wrong thing to do.
Winning Families Capitalize On Their Salary: They make the most of what they have been given by using it in God honoring ways. They view themselves as Stewards and not owners of their resources. They view and handle their money in this order:
1) Give To Really Live. The Bible calls this a Tithe.
2) Save What You Will Need. The Bible calls this financial Wisdom.
3) Pay your bills and debts. The Bible calls this responsibility.
4) Spend and enjoy what is left. The Bible calls this a gift and a blessing.
If you feel like you are sinking financially and need wise teaching and personal help in this area.....please sign up for our 10-10-80 class this fall.
Today's Bible Reading
This is a great chapter. We see that when we follow God's ways and His principles.....we are successful. (That is why we follow God's principles for giving.) God is looking for faithful obedient people who follow with passion...not people who want to do their own thing and then tell God what He has to bless.
I also love the story of Levi. He wants to reach his lost friends so much that he throws a party with a purpose. He invites his friends to a BBQ with Jesus knowing that in the midst of eating that spiritual conversations will happen and his unchurched friends will be able to hear about the love and grace of God. Always remember that the best way people will come to Christ or come to a Home Team or to church is WHEN A FRIEND invites theme!