Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kids and teenagers need more than just Sunday!

Last night we kicked off our Team Kid for 1st – 5th grade and Pursuit for 6-12th grade. It was awesome! We had over 50 kids in Team Kid and over a 100 teenagers at pursuit. Our church campus was alive with excitement as families took advantage of this great opportunity.

I personally was excited as my 5th grader asked me if he could take his Bible to school. He also came home and immediately read the entire first chapter of the Gospel of John. This is the first thing that he was asked to do in his Team Kid Play-Book to be ready for next Wednesday. This morning at our weekly breakfast meeting....he told me all the things they did and that he enjoy it! How cool is that?

All of us would agree that in sports, band, drama, karate and especially in school…..if our kids are to excel they will need to be involved in whatever it is……for more than 1 hour a week. My Pop Warner football team practices for 2 hours twice a week. If we did not…..we would stink! At the high school level they practice everyday! I wonder why so many people think they and their kids only need spiritual “coaching and teaching” one hour a week on Sunday????

I hope each person that has kids will do their best to get their kids here on Wednesday nights! It was a great time of hanging out, playing games and growing in their relationship with Christ.

As a reminder.....we need all CSF players to please choose the 9am or noon service to open up seats for our many new guest who are coming at the 10:30am service.

Today's Bible Reading Revelation Chapter 16

Armageddon.......that will be a horrible site and battle for those who are here on earth that rejected God's love and grace. Can you imagine one of your loved ones being here during that time? Did you know it is your role as a Christian to share God's truth and love with the people you know who do not know Christ? Our Sunday morning is designed as a place for you to invite people to come to a church that they will enjoy and understand....even if they have never been to church before.

Why don't you pray and ask God for courage to invite someone this Sunday. We will be talking about some simple but profound things each married couple can do to make their home life the best it can all starts with the marriage!