Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane Ponderings

I saw on the news this morning that experts are telling people on the Texas coast....leave or face certain death. They are predicting that 25-30 ft walls of water are expected to hit with a devastating hard hitting wind. With all this information and warning.....their are residents who are saying...."we will just ride it out!"

What they are really saying is..."we are hoping that it won't be that bad and we really don't think you know what you are talking about." Of course, these will be the people that we will see news footage of Coast Guard personnel risking their lives to save from roof tops and flooding rivers. These will be the people who will have loved ones die or be injured......and will wonder "why did this happen to me?"

I don't understand that kind of thinking and decision making. All the information shows that if you stay you could very likely be killed or have to have someone come rescue your stubborn self. I also hate the fact that some one's family member will have to go in a rescue them or they get accused of not "protecting and not being prepared."

This kind of "it won't happen to me" and "I know it is wrong and personally dangerous" thinking is what also gets many of us into sin trouble. We know the consequences of sinful actions and yet stay involved. We have seen other people's lives ruined by certain actions and yet think...."It won't happen to me." When I look at my own life and the lives of others....I am more than ever convinced that most of the problems we face in our lives are brought on by our own unwise choices and the fact that we look certain sinful danger in the face and say...."I am won't happen to me!" Guess will and those around us will suffer for our dumb choices!

This Sunday I am going to talk about the most basic and natural thing we can do to have a winning Team Family. It will be so obvious and clear that you will not believe it can actually work. Guess does. See you this Sunday for a Marriage changing message!

Today's Bible Reading Revelation Chapter 17

Yeah....this one is a chapter to read to your kids before bed! The imagery here is graphic and it should be....the evil prostitute here symbolizes the religious system of Babylon and all other religious systems that lead people away from the truth of the real Gospel of Jesus Christ. The last days will once again be filled with false prophets and a religious system that entices people to follow it and give their souls to it....however, in the end it will lead to disaster.

Once again the exact meaning of the passage is hard to pin down as far as what cities or countries are being talked about as turning to the beast and it's prostituted religious ways. One thing we do know......that anytime a church or religious movement is growing....this does not mean it is for all the right reasons. We do know that in the Bible times as well as now, their will be people who use our natural pull of wanting something spiritual to entrap us in a religious system that feels good for the moment, sounds close enough to the truth and yet in the end is a false religion that was used to capture our allegiance.

Can you think of any religious systems or leader that on the surface seem "true and right" and yet when you dig deep and look past the fancy dress, smooth speech and twisted is a prostituted image of real Christianity? Can a religion be right in some aspects but be totally wrong on the largest doctrinal issue? Most world religions want to help the poor, help kids and the like. However, does that mean that their functional truth is in line with the Bible and the Truth that Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life? Be ware be smart!