Friday, August 31, 2007

Yes & NO

This morning I read and discussed James 5:12 which says:

"Above all, my brothers, do not swear - not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. Let your "Yes" be yes, and your "No" no, or you will be condemned."

This verse has a few principles that I think really apply to many of us in today's culture. As we head into the weekend ask yourself these questions that come from this power packed verse:

Do I have to convince people that I am going to do something I say I am going to do? Or, do my past actions speak for themselves and they just know that when I say I am going to do something....I do it?

Do I easily change my mind based on public opinion, what others think I should do, or, even what seems to be an easier way of doing something? Or, do I do what is right and wise because it that is what I am supposed to do?

If a meeting, party or anything starts at a certain time and I am expected to be on I always late? Am I one of those people who everyone knows will be late to everything?

If I say I will be somewhere or do something I do it?

Do the people who know me at work, church and in my circle of friends see me as a responsible person that they can trust to do what I say I will do?

When the James gives us this verse, he is talking about character issues that sometimes don't get as much press as the more scandalous ones....but they are very important. This principle is vital to a local Fellowship that is volunteer intensive.

I am so glad that at CSF we have so many people who are responsible and that they take serious the commitments they have made to God and our Fellowship. We survive and thrive on the backs of the people who have made commitments to serve, give, use their gifts, share their faith and sometimes make commitments that are inconvenient for themselves but better for those in the CROWD.

From every person in the band who are all volunteers to the volunteers who clean our bathrooms.....thank you for being people who do what you say...when you say you will do it. It truly is a mark of a great Fellowship.

See you Sunday as we kickoff our new series....invite a friend!