Friday, February 6, 2009

Prayer Works.....Story from the trenches

Last Friday we had a special Economic Crisis Prayer Time. It went is a personal story I received this week:

Hi Kenny

This past Friday evening, Nancy and I attended the special prayer service for the economic situation and for those without jobs or losing their jobs. We left this service with a sense of re-newness and hope for ourselves and a prayer for all others.

I have been unemployed for over a year, about 9 months for Nancy. Looking for a job is a full-time job in itself. We have searched many job placement companies on the Internet, local newspapers, walked into businesses and left a resume or filled out applications and have sent countless resumes to job postings. I had even opened my search to areas with low unemployment in other parts of the country with the thought of relocating if necessary. I have tried to begin my own small home repair and handyman business and have done work for others, but not enough to make a living. I believe its because people just don't have the money to spend or are putting remodeling and repairs on hold until the economy strengthens. I had been in construction sales (cabinets) for over 15 years but the housing construction has all but stopped. Everyday, the news has been bleak with more layoffs to come.

I had a health insurance policy and just recently canceled it because the insurance company refused to pay for recent bills (over 7K) accumulated after some extensive tests that were ordered by my doctor. I was paying $500 a month just for myself! Nancy could not be insured with this company and has not had health insurance since she was laid off last April. It just seemed we were going further and further in the hole and we really could not see a light at the end of the tunnel. However, we continued to pray and supported Team Church the best way we could, financially and as volunteers because we believe in the church and the support of the staff, but more importantly, we believe in God.

When we left the church on Friday after the prayer service, music and your message, all these re-confirmed our belief in God and the ministry of the church. Out of the blue on Monday morning, I received a call from a company I had interviewed with over a month ago asking if I was still looking for a job and would I come in for another interview?? I was offered a job after this second interview! At this point, I begin sometime around the middle of February, if not sooner. Along with having a paycheck, the company will pay for my health insurance totally and I will be able to add Nancy to the policy as well! I am excited and can only give God the praise and glory for giving us another chance. Even though I will be doing some extensive travel with this company, including most weekends, I can continue worshiping with Team Church by reading your daily blogs and watching all missed services on the Team Church website. The job and the pay is not ideal, but I am just thankful I have been offered a job (with those important benefits)!

Thank you Kenny and thank you Team Church for your support and your prayers. I feel better about myself, more than I have in a long time. Roger

WOW...that is great. In these challenging times, we need God and His people to be the "Church." Great job Team Church!

Things To Remember For THIS Sunday:

1) Please be on time, don't miss the first 5 minutes of the service.
2) Please sit close and to the front. (We are trying to think of how we can get the new seats paid for and in the balcony)
3) THIS SUNDAY IS STUFF THE BUS....for Indian Trail Elem.