Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Duke VS Carolina...What is a man to do?

What is the best thing happening tonight in our area? That is right....our new Thrive Classes start tonight. We have two exciting classes starting tonight!

Sacred Marriage class for couples has 42 couples registered for this marriage changing, enhancing and maybe saving experience.

Survey Of World Religions and Cults has a record number of people as 24 people will be diving in and learning what other people believe and why they believe it.

I have talked to few basketball crazy men who said that they would never miss the Duke vs Carolina game. Nothing stands in their way of missing this game. You know what....for the most part I agree. They should be all fired up about watching this rival game that has ACC and national ranking consequences at stake. However, for the married men out there or those who are engaged, this marriage seminar is really a can't miss. Moreover, the timeliness of the marriage class is ideal to score major points before Valentines Day next week.

So what is a "sport-loving" man to do? Tivo or DVR it! It is a win/win for you and your marriage!

You arrive tonight at 6:45 with your wife. You attend the class and learn a bunch while scoring major points with your wife. You get home by 9pm and make a big sandwich. You tell your wife how much you enjoyed spending time with her tonight....then sit down and watch the game. You get to fast-forward through the commercials and boring halftime show. You finish watching the game about the same time as it would have been over anyway. go to bed while reminding your wife what a great time you had at Thrive.

After are on your own!

Today's Bible Reading: The first Fellowship is expanding through out the world. They started small with a huge God given vision. Now they have more leaders, teachers and volunteers to help spread the love and grace of the Risen Savior.

We should always know and embrace that a healthy church with God's vision will always be expanding in their size and ministry impact. A local church was never designed to sit still and be content with status-quo. Too many people are still without Christ and too many people still have needs that have to be met.

The history of CSF has been one of continual health, growth and impact. From the halls of Crestdale Middle School; to the purple lights of the Regal Cinemas; to our current beautiful new facility.....the clarion call has always been one of expanding our faith, expanding our influence and expanding our Fellowship's impact. The call continues......glad you are a part of it!