Monday, March 3, 2008

The Dream Continues

Charlotte South Fellowship has always had a large, God-sized dream. One that would radically help impact our immediate area, city and world for Jesus Christ. Over the last 9 years CSF has done this in an ever growing and changing way. As you heard at the end of yesterday's message, the dream that we have been living daily continues to grow and develop.

Over the last few months I have used the daily BLOG and Sunday's messages to paint a clear picture of what CSF is called to do in our community. I have been very clear that we feel confident that we are to be a place that has life change happening every day of the week. That we are destination that people can come to seven days a week for help, ministry and guidance. A place to serve, to play, to learn, to grow spiritually, to grow in our personal physical health, to enjoy relational fellowship and to use our God given passions and gifts as multifaceted teams that impact our world for Jesus Christ.

It was with great joy and anticipation that I shared with all three services that we are moving fast toward our dream of Expanding our current building and that we have entered into a signed agreement to purchase the 38 acres that joins to our current property and campus. This 60 acre campus will ensure that our dreams can become reality now and in the future. As one person told me about land in our area..."they are not making anymore of it and what is here is getting bought and developed daily."

The future is now when it comes to having a campus that can contain all of the things we dream of doing for and in our community. (see previous BLOGS for a list of ministries that we will offer right here!) Our Expand adventure will allow us to purchase this property and have use of it soon!

Only God in his good humor and grace would have taken CSF on the journey we have been on for the last nine years, and then allow us to plant firmly on 60 acres on the corner of I485 and HWY 74....with the Monroe By-pass coming in the future about a mile from us! It has been an adventurous ride with many highs, a few lows but always the grace of God.

After nine years in this area we are firmly planted and have a dynamic reputation for being a church that reaches out to our community and serving those in need. We are known for impacting our public schools, public recreational venues, public care centers and the like. We are known for being a place that those who were formerly not engaged or attending a local church are able to find an accepting Fellowship that they can live a fully-devoted life as they learn to re-orient their life around God's truth. All of this will be magnified and enhanced as we EXPAND!

The Future Is Now......The Dream Continues

Daily Bible Reading: Mark Chapter 8

If you ever wondered if you are smart enough to be a Player for God....

If you ever wondered if your the only person who reads the Bible and is confused...

If you every wondered if God gives "brain-grace" to those who don't comprehend fast..

Read verses 14-21 again. Wow! The disciples were just like me many times!