Thursday, November 20, 2008


Tech problems this the BLOG was late. Once again I wanted to share a note from Steve Miller, the new pastor at the campus we are opening in the Kershaw, SC area. Steve and the people that will be the core group for this new adventure will be here this Sunday. However, THAT is not the biggest news we will be announcing this Sunday! We have HUGE news this Sunday. It will forever change how you view, talk about and think about our church.

Here is a note from Steve...

I'm really excited about the big Sunday at "our" church this weekend. The Kershaw core group will all be there. We'll be available to meet and talk. It's very cool to be not only a part of launching a new campus, but also be a part of such a huge day in the life of the church. We're all pumped! Of course, we're all kind of nervous as you might guess....After all this is brand new. God has called us all to pioneer this new campus together. You'll find some application in the Scripture reading for today. In Matthew 6, Jesus says "do not be anxious for your not be anxious for tomorrow" (Matt. 6:25 & 34).

Hey, it's our nature to worry over this next chapter in the life of our church, but Jesus says...even commands us to not worry about. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't plan carefully over the details of this God-breathed dream. But it does mean that our trust in God should overcome our fears. See you this Sunday!

Today's Bible Reading Matthew Chapters 5-7.