Today is the big election! I hope you all go out and vote!
In my life I have found that there are a two things that Christian people keep quiet about as they claim it is a private matter. However, I personally don't agree that when you look at these two issues that they are private. They are very personal.....but I have never understood why they are private.
One issue is that of "who did you vote for?" The way I see it, if you are an informed voter and you have voted in line with your values, your social views and in line with how you view civil policies.....then why not share with people who you voted for? Why all the secrecy?
If your person loses....hey, at least you voted and you know what you believe and why you voted. If your person wins or loses...and is unpopular in your circle of friends...stand up and be proud of your beliefs. In my experience, the people who shy away from telling who they voted for do so because they are really clueless to why they voted and they don't want anyone to challenge their views....because they can't defend themselves. Or....the person they voted for goes against the values they say they believe in.....but they wanted to vote for that person for financial issues or other issues that do not seem to be as "value" driven as the one the person they voted for stands against. They are embarrassed to let people know who they voted for because they know the values of their peers goes against that of the candidate they just voted. To me it is silly and border line spineless. If you feel good enough about a person to vote for them.......don't be ashamed to tell people!
The second issue is that of tithing to your local church. Christian people believe that God tells us to bring our money to the local church so that we show our trust, honor and obedience to God through that act of giving. Moreover, everyone knows that the local church functions solely on the money given by it's faithful members. So, as simple as it is to see that God commands it and the church needs it to function...why are Christians so hush hush about what they give to their local church. Again, people will say it is a private matter. This is not actually true because it is a command of is a personal matter that each person must decide if they are going to do...but it is not private.
Again, in my experience, the people who are not willing to tell if they tithe to a local church are the people who do not feel good about their decision. They make the decision every month but don't believe it to be one that matches what they say are their values and they would rather not have to explain why they don't give. They just say it is a private matter.
Again, if you are an informed person who knows why you do or do not give....then stand up for your beliefs and be proud of your choice. If you do not give a tithe to your local church and someone asks you about it....tell them..."I do not believe that I should give to God through my church, so I do not give." Hey, at least your honest about it. If you do give....say with grace and humility..."I believe the Bible teaches that each person is responsible to bring God a tithe of his/her income. I believe this honors God and enables the local church to do what God says a church should do. So, I budget and give." No bragging...just stating truth.
I believe these two issues are personal....but why all quiet secrecy? If you believe...act....and don't be afraid to stand up for your beliefs either way. However, in my opinion, we don't need to be silent of these two issues. I have never met a person whose actions match their beliefs and who is not willing to share how they act.
When people ask me today....I will say, "I cast my vote for John MCcain." Moreover, if you were wondering.....the Hibbard family gives at the least 10% of our incomes every year to our church.
Today's Bible Reading shows Jesus ready to share what is true about what he believes....even if it cost Him his life.
Today's Bible Reading Mark 15 & 16
Chapter 15:2 Pilate ask Jesus..."are you the King of the Jews?" Jesus was simple and clear. "Yes, it is as you say!" Knowing that was the accusation that would have him killed...Jesus let his beliefs determine his actions and was not afraid to tell the answer.