Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Message From Our New Campus Pastor

As you know, we have begun laying the ground work for our first new campus. Our dream is to be one church with many campuses and to have those campuses in a variety of different kinds of places.....small towns, college towns, inner city and other places that do not normally have our style and DNA churches currently there. However, we will be one team and one church. Here is a short note from Steve Miller...a USC Gamecock grad who knows his team will lose this week to the Mighty Gators!

Hey.....I'm really excited about what God is going to do in the Kershaw area through this new church campus. I've felt that God has been getting the people in this town ready for something like this ever since I moved here eight years ago. I met several families over that time that have had the same feeling and those folks are now the core group of this new campus site for our church. That is right....I said our church. We are one church teaming up to reach may different areas. We have already seen God do amazing things through us as individuals here in the Kershaw area and now expect even greater things as we create this new church campus!

We look forward to seeing God do even greater things as He has been doing in your ministry area. Things like.....

Teaming up with our community as we care for needs through a clothes closet, food pantry, and assistance organization.

Teaming up with our community as we send out teenagers as hometown missionaries in a town that already has a program where they work a few weeks out of the summer fixing up homes in the community.

Teaming up together in a community-wide, multi-racial, non-denominational service just like the one we'll participate in this coming Thanksgiving.

Providing a creative and culturally relevant Sunday service that will reach and impact people here like no other church is providing in this area.

Providing a local church that reaches people where they are and then are lead them in grace to full devotion in Jesus Christ.

Being a church that focuses on reaching those who have never been to church or are in need of a new kind of church experience.

This is what I have always wanted to do be a part of and now I am excited that my family and a few of our friends will have the opportunity to team up with you and impact this area.

Looking forward to meeting you all on November 23rd!

Steve Miller

Today's Bible Reading 1 Corinthians 13 & 14