Yesterday was awesome in both services as we ended with the powerful song....Shine.
I hope you will take to heart the challenge yesterday to build yourself a Dream Team. People who are in your life that are committed to God, committed and loyal to you and your dream God has given you! Here again is the Dream Team we learned from David's life and should strive to have in our own everyday journey of life.
A Dream Team needs to have:
1) A loyal friend who loves you for who you are and will be loyal at all times. David had Jonathan.
2) A truth-teller friend who will stand up for you and will stand up to you when needed. Someone who will help keep you accountable. David had Nathan who would always come and challenge his choices if they were out of line.
3) A "practical help" friend who understands the dream and will be able to get things done. This person is also someone who is gifted at things you are not and they complete your gift mix. David had the the great warrior Joab.
4)Positive and encouraging friends who are always there to give you a shot of encouragement when you are down. They are positive people who lift your spirits when the dream seems to be fading. David had three men....just called in the Bible....The Three!
The last thing we talked about was the fact that we have to remember that these are God given dreams. That means you cannot know it or follow it until you have joined into relationship with God. You must be a Christian to have such a dream. If you are reading this BLOG and have never accepted Jesus Christ as savior then it is impossible for you to grasp a God given dream. However, at this moment you can ask Christ to be you savior and He will. Like I said yesterday, if you want to talk with a pastor about this critical decision....just ask!
Today's Bible Reading 2 Corinthians Chapter 7-10
Small chapters great stories and lessons. In this season of generosity....these verses remind us what is most important.