Friday, January 18, 2008

CSF Snow Policy

The weather "experts" are calling for a very cold weekend with a high chance of snow, ice and winter mix. Looks like it will be a great weekend to play outside in the snow and then hang in the house with family and friends as we play games and watch movies.

Every year when this type of weather first roles through our fine city, people who are new to CSF begin to ask what the Sunday Snow Policy is for our services. We start getting calls and emails asking what TV station should they be looking to see the CSF announcement. Or by what time will the cancellation be on the web if we are canceling for the day. What is our bad weather Sunday policy.

Here is your answer........


At CSF we never cancel a Sunday morning Encounter Service because of weather. It is to difficult to forecast. Moreover, one area of South Charlotte may get snow and ice and another does not.

The reason we have this policy is that we do not feel it is our place to tell you when it is safe for you to come out. We believe YOU can make your own best decision. When you wake up in the morning and look outside and you personally do not feel safe to drive....then stay home and have another cup of coffee! If you think it is fine for you and your family, then come on and enjoy the services. We feel as though our people really enjoy and want to be here on Sundays and are not looking for an easy excuse to "skip church."

This policy makes sense here in Charlotte:

**It saves the CSF staff from trying to play God on Saturday night at 5pm and guess what the weather will be like on Sunday morning. To many times churches have canceled only to wake up on Sunday to find the sun shining and the streets clear!

**It saves the CSF staff from scrambling around early Sunday morning trying to get our note out on the T.V. scroll.

**It saves you from having to watch the T.V. at 7am waiting to see if we have canceled.

**It saves you from feeling guilty when you choose to stay home because you don't feel safe but we never "Officially" canceled.

Our commitment is that our staff will personally call volunteer team leaders on Sunday morning to decide what needs to happen. If you are scheduled to serve that morning but you don't want to drive in the bad weather...then stay at home and don't worry about it!

We hope this simple policy helps!

Daily Bible Reading: Luke 18

I love the story of the two guys praying. Ever met someone who tells you how spiritual they are.....always telling you how great they are for God? Ever met someone who thinks God is lucky to have them on His team?

I believe that if my commitment to God is real, active and deep....people will know without me having to convince them how spiritual I am. Moreover, I truly believe that if a person is in tune with God and growing in their personal relationship with Him...then we will see fruit of what they say they believe.

I will see fruit in them being a fully-devoted follower of Christ. Or, what we call at CSF, being a PLAYER. We call it our six S's..(Salvation, Serving, Sharing, Stewardship, Spiritual Growth, Significant Relationships)

God is looking for humble Players who want to be a part of His team and accomplish great things together. Greater than we could ever do alone.

PS: In the NFL...they call this philosophy: The Patriot Way!