Yesterday we had almost 300 people buy our CSF Expand Life Journals! As you heard from the Chef yesterday, these Expand Life Journals are designed to help you have a vibrant and life-changing personal time with your Heavenly Father every day.
The Journals have a daily reading schedule that will allow you to read the Bible in one year. As a Fellowship we are challenging ourselves to read through the New Testament part of the daily reading.
The Journals have a place for you to read, then write out a few thoughts about what you read.
The Journals have a place for you to record a daily prayer request by a one word topic, then record the day that prayer gets answered.
This coming Sunday I will show you how to read a passage, record your observations, write down what you can learn and do and then pray about what you decided. This week we are all reading and doing the best we next Monday, we will all be Expand Journal experts!
Today, January 7th, we read Luke chapter 7. (nothing like starting with one of the longest chapters in the New ADHD was screaming..ha ha) When you read today, you invited these people to dine with you:
A Roman military leader, A widow whose son was raised from the dead, John The Baptist and his disciples, A woman who had lived an openly "sinful life" but we see her in the act of receiving grace and forgiveness because she "loved Jesus much" and received His free gift of salvation.
Not a bad way to start the day!
Here are the thoughts/principles that stood out to me personally as I read:
I want to have a "just say the word" kind of faith like the centurion had as I go through out my day!
I am thankful that Jesus really hurts when I hurt!
I am thankful that Jesus sees me like the "sinful woman" and offers me grace when I do stupid things.
Have a great day.....
PS..Thanks to all those who prayed and gave to our Year End Gift! In December we had our highest ever one month general budget giving AND we went over our goal of 57,000 for our Year End Gift. We brought in over 58,000 dollars over budget giving!
Great JOB CSF!