This Sunday we start a new series called: Chef..Living Beyond Fast Food Christianity!
This series is about each of us learning to pray, read our Bible and spend some time each day with our God. To grow healthy in our faith and in our personal relationship with Jesus Christ, we must learn to spend quality "feeding" ourselves spiritually.
Many people are tired, weak, uninspired and all around unhealthy when it comes to their spiritual and personal lives. A well balanced, daily and self-prepared spiritual meal is the "soul-ution" that you need.
You and I cannot survive on one meal a week. Coming to our Encounter Services on Sunday morning is like going to a nice restaurant. It is quality food and the best part is that someone else has worked hard to prepare it for you. However, only eating one meal a week that some-else has prepared for you is a great treat...but it will not sustain a healthy and vital life.
Moreover, even if you come to church every Sunday and go to Home Team every week.....that is not enough. If you and I are going to really grow healthy in our relationship with Christ in 2008...we each have to become our own personal Chefs.
Over the next two Sundays I am not only going to show you how...but we have designed a great "cook book" for each person. We are calling them our Expand Life Journals. These journals are easy to use daily Bible reading and prayer guides.
If you are ready to "Expand" your spiritual waistline, your faith, your knowledge, your influence and your overall life....then purchase one of these Journals this Sunday and make a commitment to use it. The best thing is that our staff has made a commitment to read along using the chart. So, every week we all know that we are reading the same passages in the Bible and are learning together.
I will explain more about this on Sunday. However, pass the word around. Expand Life Journals are here. We are charging our cost of $10 per journal. These are for all year long so that is well worth the price. However, if someone wants one and cannot afford it.....we will give you one! Having each person growing closer to God and becoming strong in their faith is more important than covering cost!
Will you commit to making 2008 the year YOU start to really take charge of your own personal spiritual journey? Together....we will all grow stronger and more healthy in 2008!