Every year people make New Years Resolutions. Things they will stop doing, other things they will start doing and the list goes on. My experience, and some studies show that most of these "resolutions" last a few days...maybe a week or two. By February everything goes back to the way it was in the previous year.
This coming Sunday I am going to challenge you to make a "resolution", or what the Bible calls a promise or a vow that will change your life in 2008. I am going to challenge you to commit to spending relational time with God every day. Everyone can have their own times and style....but we all need to spend time with our Heavenly Father on a daily basis. The rewards of this time commitment are vast and are worth your time.
I will be straight with you...there are times when my personal times with God are not "thrilling and life changing" in that moment and on a daily basis. However, the daily reading, praying and time with God allows me to be ready for whatever comes my way. This is the time when God refreshes my soul, encourages me, convicts me of sin, shows me His way, reminds me of His grace, gives me wisdom and guides my steps.
Over the next two weeks you will be motivated, taught the "how to's" and challenged to grow in your personal relationship with Christ. It is not hard...but very beneficial. You can develop into your own best Spiritual Chef as you serve up for yourself a healthy and enjoyable time with God!
It is time that many of us learn to feed ourselves and stop needing me, some TV/Internet pastor to give you the spiritual food you need on a daily basis.
Remember, the Expand Life Journals will be on sale this Sunday. Cash...Check..or Credit accepted. Or, if you cannot afford it....we will give you one.
As for vows and promises made to God...
Numbers 30:2 "When a man makes vow to the Lord or takes an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he must not break his word but must do everything he said."
James 5:12 "Above all, do not swear, not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. Let your "yes" be "yes" and your "no" be "no" or you will condemned."
As you can see, the Lord takes our promises to Him very serious. If we take it as serious, we will give it our best and follow through.
PS...The rumor is true. My wife and I caved. After our hard stance on no animals in our house....We got our son a new puppy for Christmas! A Hypo-Allergenic small dog. Tebow joined the family on Wednesday!