Who is greater at CSF... the person who sings a solo on Sunday or the person who comes in on Tuesday to clean the bathrooms? Who is more needed at CSF...the person who teaches a group of kids on Sunday morning or the three volunteers that came in yesterday for 2 hours and entered in all the new data into our computers so that we can have updated info on everyone who calls CSF home.
Answer: Neither is greater than the other or more needed, they all are doing something with the time and gifts they have. At CSF we have a philosophy of ministry that is different than many churches like ours. We believe that everyone who calls this place home should be able to enjoy the true joy and blessing of being a Player on the Team. Everyone has different gifts, passions and time to be involved in some specific way that will make our Fellowship as great as God wants.
At CSF we don't pay nursery workers to watch our kids during the service, we don't have to pay musicians to play in our band and we don't hire a company to come in and clean our toilets because we are to "good" to do it.
Nope....we have a highly skilled and incredible band full of volunteers! We have squeaky clean bathrooms every Sunday morning because we have volunteers who truly believe that they are making a difference when they show up at 7am on Sunday to clean the bathrooms before you and I show up! It is called having "ownership" in the Purpose and Game Plan of CSF. It is called being a part of an incredible Team that is changing our city!
Acts chapter six is a perfect example of our philosophy of ministry. As the first church was growing, they were starting to have more and more needs "pop" up in their group. So, the disciples choose some folks to help shoulder the load. These people were not going to be teachers or directional leaders, they were going to help the widows and also help with food distribution to the poor.
The New Testament is clear. Fellowship only works well when everyone gets involved and serves. Of course, it is easier to just pay people to do all the dirty and hard work. It is easier to go find some "hired-gun" musicians and have them show up and play and sing on Sunday....but that is not the picture of the Acts church we are reading about. It is not what CSF is about either. The role of our staff is to cast and implement vision and build volunteer teams that are trained for ministry.
While reading through Acts have you felt like maybe you are on the bench looking at others making an impact? If so, maybe it is because you are not in the game playing. We have doubled in size since moving into our building. We have many new Team Players getting involved.....are you?
If not and you want to start...contact a staff member that oversees the area you are interested in.