Our country is a buzz with all the Presidential Candidates giving their speeches about their Vision, Purpose, Values, their plan for the direction they want to take our country and their views on the issues. (Iraq, health care, illegal immigration, etc)
As Americans we should be reading, listening, watching and praying so that when it is our time to vote.....we make a well informed vote.
Tomorrow night you are invited to a CSF primary night. We call it our January Fellowship Service. Tomorrow night we will take time to:
* Have great worship as a Fellowship
* Rick, our new Executive Pastor, will give the yearly financial report of what happened in 2007 and what our budget is for 2008. He will share with you the exciting things we have seen happen in the last year and will also cast a financial vision for 2008. You will be reminded and inspired about things we have done and will do with our money. Things like how CSF fully supports a pastor, his family and really his entire church finances in Ethiopia. That we are supporting Kevin & Emily in WVA in 2008. That we give 10% of our budget giving to mission causes.
* I will share/update on the exciting progress we have made in achieving the vision goals we set out in August. You will hear first hand how CSF has contacted 8 public schools and received a heart felt welcome to begin having volunteers on campus, 5 days a week... every week of the school year. It is amazing what is happening in our Public School Impact ministry.
* I will share about our staffing structure change that has started in 2008. I believe this will greatly impact the quality and quanity of the ministry that you will experience at CSF.
* We will celebrate communion!
I believe that all CSF people should make plans to be at this amazing Fellowship Service! This will make sure that you are informed on the direction, plans, vision, values and the issues that we will be tackling in 2008. Of course, this CSF primary event does not have voting.....those of us that are here, vote with our lives as we agree with the Mission, Values, Purpose and Game Plan of this place called...CSF!
Daily Bible reading: Luke chapter 8 This morning I dined with: Jesus, His mom and brothers, the disciples who were scared, a wild man, A church leader and his dead daughter who was brought back to life.)
This morning I chose Luke 8:39 as the main scripture that stood out to me. The "wild-man" that had the demons cast out of him, wanted to hang-out with Jesus. Jesus told him it was better that he return home and "tell how much God has done for you."
WOW....Jesus could have said, "yeah..I saved you, you are a new person, why don't you just come hang around me. Maybe we can get some more Christians and just all hang out at the local coffee shop and talk about how blessed we are...."
Nope.....Jesus said, "take your changed life and go tell people what happened, because the best thing you can be doing is sharing about your changed life to those who still don't believe."
Hmmmmm after you spend some time with Jesus this morning, what do you think you should do?