I love it when they forecast snow! I love it when it snows!
Last night as my 10 year old son was getting ready for bed he kept looking out the window to see if it was snowing. He was full of excitement as he thought about the possibility that school could be canceled. He kept saying things like:
"I hope it snows all night...and we don't have school!"
"I love it when we get to miss school and play in the snow!"
"Do you think they will actually cancel school?"
He went to bed with visions of no school dancing in his head. Of course, this morning when I got up and saw that the snow had covered our neighborhood...I knew his dream had come true. When he woke up, I told him "no school" and he cheered like he had just won a football game. When I left for the office he and our 2 1/2 year old were jumping on my bed playing. Soon they are planning to go out and play in God's new playground.
Do you remember the simple joys of snow falling when you were a kid? The simple pleasure knowing that their was no school and you could just play? I love seeing that in my kids. Just pure excitement over something simple. (Kelly and I are never one of those parents who complains when they cancel school. We think it is great that once in awhile they get to miss school and just play. After the kids are cold from playing outside, Kelly loves making hot chocolate with the kids and snuggling under a blanket and watching their favorite movies.)
Do you remember that kind of simple joy? Many of us as adults can parallel that fun giddy joy to when we first met our spouse. Or, as newlyweds we remember that simple joy that enveloped our hearts just knowing that when we got home we could just spend time with our new prince or princes.
Many of us now wonder where that went in our marriage. Our next Sunday series is going to take an honest look at why many marriages are dying and more importantly what we can do to stop ours from going down that destructive path.
Today's bible reading: Luke chapter 17
The verse that stood out for me is verse 3. Jesus says, if you have a friend who is a Christ follower and they are doing something against you that is wrong, you should confront them and encourage them stop. If they stop and repent....forgive them. If they sin against you seven times but then ask for forgiveness seven times....forgive them.
Have anyone in your life that you need to forgive? Maybe they don't even know they did something to hurt you...talk to them about it. My guess is that they will say they are sorry and ask for your forgiveness.