I love the fact that hundreds of people at CSF are reading their Bible daily and using their journal. It is great to know that we are all reading and learning the same thing on the same day.
Today's reading in Acts chapter five highlights two difficult but very important aspects of the Christian life. These two things are a must in a person's life if they are to live a discipled life. A life that is fully-devoted to Christ in all aspects of their life.......what we call being a Player! Moreover, it is two aspects that directly affect the vision, purpose and game plan of each local church.
In verses 1-11 we read about a married couple who make a financial commitment to God via the church. However, when the land is sold, they decide not to give what they committed to give. They showed a non-trusting and selfish attitude. An attitude that the Bible says comes directly from Satan. Every Christian knows that the local church and its ability to practically function, meet needs, minister to every age person and reach the lost hinges on the financial giving of the people in that Fellowship.
Every Christ follower should see themselves as Stewards of all they have. A Steward is willing to give it all if God were to ask....however, the only all inclusive command that every Christian has is to tithe back to God 10% of what God has given them. It shows trust in God to meet your needs and it shows a humble non-selfish attitude toward our "stuff". The Bible says, "what do you have that did not come from God?" If we are to live a financially stress free life, we have to see ourselves as stewards and not owners. If CSF and every other church is to really flourish and be all God has asked them to be...each Christian that calls that church home, must be stewards and tithe.
Verses 17-42 show the resolve of the disciples. They were thrown in jail and beaten for sharing the good news of salvation through Jesus. They were told if they kept telling people about Jesus that they would be thrown back into jail and eventually killed. So......what to do?
They kept Sharing the good news of Jesus so that all could hear and have the ability to accept. You and I have the obligation (privilege) to share with our family and friends about Jesus. We can do it and no one will beat us up or throw us in jail. In many cases we must do it, or people will not hear. The best way for a person to accept Christ at CSF over the years has been when they have been personally invited by a Christian. It really is that simple.
I told you reading your Bible and actually doing what it says...would change your life. The key is will you be "doers" of the God's truth or just people who hear it and do what you want? Having the best spiritual year of your life is up to you!