Last night I met with 20 leaders from CSF. I laid out for them the information about an exciting adventure that we are all about to embark on. A specific vision for Spring of 08. I asked them to commit to it and serve as team leaders. I shared with them the role that I wanted them to play as leaders in this adventure. They all agreed to be a key part in what is coming.
They understood by the time we left that what we are about to do will be a positive and life-changing experience for them as individuals and for all of us who call CSF home. This adventure will forever change CSF in a meaningful way.
Over the next few weeks one of these CSF volunteer leaders may ask you to join them on their team. If you are asked......think about it, pray about it, do whatever...but say "yes" to being a part of this amazing team. You will be glad you did! CSF will be honored to have you.
It is coming this Spring and it will be awesome.......
Tonight is our Winter Fellowship Service....7pm!
Daily Bible Reading...This morning I ate with Jesus, Herod who beheaded John the Baptist, 5000 people who were hungry, Peter and the Disciples and another demon possessed boy that Jesus heals. That was a lot of people!
As I read this morning, God used a special set of verses in Luke 9 to encourage me and give me guidance. The set of verses that was meaningful directly for me today was Luke 9:57 - 62.
The key verse that was illuminated was Luke 9:62 where Jesus tells his followers that once we are heading out in faith....once we know what God has asked them to do....when we start moving in the direction God has given....don't look back, instead move forward. Even if things get hard, move forward in faith. Even if people make fun of you or don't go with you, move forward in faith.
Luke 9:62 Jesus Replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom of God."