Friday, September 28, 2007

Drought reveals character

I was driving around the other day with my nine year old son and he asked me, "why do some people's yards look so nice and green, while ours is brown and dead?" He went on to say, "I thought it was against the law to water your lawn because we are in a drought?"

Interesting observation! Our entire area is in a severe drought. So the decision was made weeks ago that everyone can only water on certain days. Now the law says we can't water at all (at least in Mecklenburg County) and yet, many people still have their sprinklers going at 3am in the morning. I even drove by a house the other day that had it going at 5:45 am and I thought to myself.....funny that guy with the pretty green lawn does not think the law applies to him. With as severe as a drought that we is very easy to see which homes are following the rules and who is not. (unless they are paying the big bucks to have one of those companies come and water their lawn with the big water trucks.)

The same principle holds true in all aspects of our lives. It is easy to follow what God tells us to do when life is going great. However, right and wrong does not change with our life settings. Meaning...right and wrong is not determined by whether something is easy, makes sense or is what we want to do. When life gets unfair and seemingly tough - that is when we have the hard decisions to make.

Here are some drought decisions:

Am I still loving to my spouse even though they are not meeting my needs at this time?

Do I still treat my boss with respect as the authority and not slander him/her even though I was passed up for the promotion again?

Do I still come home and spend time with my kids even though work has been really stressful?

Do I REALLY take 4 minute showers, don't wash my car and water my lawn because that is what the authority in the city I live has said we have to do?

Doing the right thing and obeying is sometimes tough and we ALL struggle. Doing it when life is not going well....that reveals something very special.

See you Sunday!

Go Panthers! Go Gators! Go MARA Colts!

I love this time of year!