Tuesday, March 10, 2009

10 Year Anniversary Project # 3 this Saturday

This Saturday in the church parking lot hundreds of people will be bringing their good used stuff to sell at our HUGE Home Team's Yard sale. Here is the best part.....ALL money made from EVERY sale will go to Christ Our Shepherd Ministries in Matthews. This is a place in need of money as they help serve single moms and their kids here in the Matthews area.

Each Home Team is setting up their tables and will take care of their own "Stuff" coming and going. If you are looking for some great buys in challenging times.....this is the morning for you. Please tell your neighbors and friends about this event. I know that many people at Team Church are bringing nice stuff that they were going to use in their own yard sale....but instead are bringing here to sell with their Home Team for the good of Christ Our Shepherd. Click Here for details.

This is a perfect example of Teaming up with our community! We will have it rain our shine.....

Speaking of shine.....what great weather we had the last three days. I went bike riding on Sunday afternoon with Peyton and some friends at Col. Beatty Park to enjoy it. That place was packed. From the bike/walking trials to the play ground. It reminded me of one of the reasons we purchased and got rezoned all 60 acres. It would be great if we could very soon get our playground installed along with our walking trails. The playground we have planned and rezoned for is like the ones you see at such parks and would be greatly used by Team Church folks and those in our community. I know these are tough economical times....but I am trusting God to allow us to get that playground in....sooner than later. What about you?

Their is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience.
French Proverb

"There is a choice you have to make in everything you do. So keep in mind that in the end the choice you make...makes you!" Legendary Coach, John Wooden