Friday, March 6, 2009

I hate it.......but need it

It is 5:30am and I am getting ready to leave for my work out. I really hate working out. I like the results of being healthy and all that comes with a good workout regiment....but I don't really enjoy it. What I would rather be doing right now is still be in bed sleeping where it is warm and cozy. Hmmmmm....I think there is a spiritual lesson here. Can you draw your own spiritual lesson from the above statement. C' can do it. The teacher in you wants to draw the parallel.

As I get ready to is still pretty cold out side. This reminds me that THIS Sunday all of our winter Team Church clothes will be on sale. Sweatshirts and jackets will be $10 and everything else will be $5. (In the voice of those crazy sales guys on car commercials) EVERYTHING MUST GO....TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW SPRING/SUMMER STUFF!

Also, as I get ready to leave I am reminded that TIME CHANGE is this Sunday. We will be Springing Forward. Don't forget to set your clocks ahead! Trust me you do not want to miss this Sunday's can change your life even in these hard financial times.

Well.....time to hit the cold weather and get to my workout. Yipeeeeee

See you Sunday. Come ready for a great day, bring a friend and lets get ready for a great Spring at Team Church.