Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Life In Christ

I watch the news. I read the news. I keep up with what is happening in politics and our country. (I am always frustrated by adults who complain about something in our country but do nothing to help it or worse yet......they are CLUELESS about what is really happening. They don't know what is happening in government or in the world.)

Because I keep up with what is happening I found myself a little irritated and sad this week when it comes to what is happening in our country as far as the continual decline of Christian values and morals. I see current government trends and fear for the country that we will turn over to our kids. Things spiraling down and out of control while many Christians just pretend that nothing is happening adversely to the moral fiber of our great country. They seem clueless to what is happening and are only concerned about what they are doing this weekend and will the rain affect it.

In this mental state I drove onto our church campus yesterday afternoon. At that moment my mental state began to change......I was reminded again of what we are doing here at Team Church and that it is making a difference. I walked into the atrium area and saw teenagers and college kids setting up for pursuit. They were serving with a smile and enthusiasm that only comes from dedicated teenagers! I stepped in and saw the "all-high school" band and tech teams warming up for Pursuit. Those kids are good!

While standing and waiting for my meeting that was to start at 6:30pm....I watched as younger kids came in with their orange Team Kid T-shirts on and were running upstairs with their parents in tow....excited about the night. Then I had a Baptism talk with a man from our church who will be one of the many being baptized next Wednesday. His story of where he has been and where he is now reminded me of why we do what we do at Team Church. He thanked me for what Team Church is doing for his family....I should have thanked him for letting me hear his story. As I walked out of the office heading for my Home Team I saw teenagers hanging out eagerly waiting to get into Pursuit. This site gave me hope that all teenagers are not just what we see on T.V. At our Home Team I sat with young families who are reading, searching, and studying about how to raise their kids in a godly way in a culture that is fast becoming more ungodly in values and legislation.

That night I came back to the church to pick up my son from Team Kid and had a teenager come running up to me to say that she is getting baptized next week and wanted to know if I would be the person to baptize her? She was smiling from ear to ear and excited about her faith, her church and life.

I got in my Jeep (top off) drove home with my son and a friend's daughter and listened to them talk about Team Kid and how they can't wait for the next "Season" to start in three weeks. With the moon shining down and the stars lighting up the night.....I heard God whisper in my ear: "Things are not all how they should be....but the joy and excitement about New Life in Christ you saw tonight is the Hope that made this country great and will be the only Hope your kids can count on for the future of their lives and the future of America."

Team Church has never been about resting and just watching the world go by.....we are involved, interactive, engaging and willing to meet culture where it is and lead it to where God wants it. We are not afraid of our culture nor are we antagonistic toward it.....but where we see it going astray we are willing to hit it head on and stand up for what is right. To make a difference that is positive in our neighborhoods, city, state and even country.

I am glad you are a part of this life-changing place we call....Team Church.

If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. My eyes will be open and my ears attentive to every prayer made in this place.
2 Chronicles 7:14-15