Monday, March 9, 2009

I have never done that before

On Saturday I was thinking of what could I possibly do to get across the importance of Grace Giving. At 2am on Sunday morning I awoke with idea confirmed in my mind. I hope the site of me on the stage with with a suit on with no pants or shoes is forever impressed on your mind. (Now of course....the checkered shorts I had on was just that....they were shorts and not boxers)

Let me remind you today that Grace Giving means that we discover joy, pleasure, excitement and thanksgiving when we give back to God from what He has given us. I hope everyone took home some of the fake money we had printed (almost like what the government is doing...) and will look it over every time you pull it out of your wallet or purse and see that it says "Everything Belongs To God", "In God We Trust" , 2 Cor 8:6 and a few other reminders. Here is what we learned yesterday:

Biblical View Of Money/Stuff: Everything belongs to God, comes from God and is distributed by God.

* Joyful giving comes from a heart that is thankful for what we have been given!
* Joyful giving happens when I TRUST God completely.
* Joyful giving is easy because I know God will bless me.
* Joyful giving comes when I KNOW that it Blesses Others.
* Joyful giving flows from being obedient to God.

Today as you leave this BLOG...say a prayer for all those who are really struggling today in these economic times.

Pray for the church in St.Louis who had a gunman walk into their early service and shoot the pastor while he was preaching. Pray for the pastors family as he leaves behind a wife and 2 kids.