Friday, March 20, 2009

First Day Of Spring!

Don't let the cool temperatures fool you....Spring is here!

What do you do when you have prayed for something to happen and God's answer is NO! Do you get mad? Do you stop praying? What do you do? This Sunday we explore why God says no to some of our prayers and what we should do about it.

Speaking of prayers that were answered "No" by God....tomorrow I will be leading memorial service for a 44 year old healthy wife and mom. She first came to our church last week. Four days later a virus attacked her heart and she died on Tuesday. Her family prayed all weekend for God to save her. They prayed for her to be alright and live. Again....we are doing her funeral in the morning.

Why did God not answer their prayer? If you listen to the non-sense preaching on TV it was because they did not have enough faith. Or, maybe their was un-confessed sin in their life. Or, maybe they did not send in enough money to the TV preacher and lay their hands on the TV screen and really believe. Those guys and gals are hucksters who prostitute the gospel for a Charismatic teaching that does not, nor has ever, been in the Bible. If the name it and claim TV preachers could do what they say they can do....then their would be no need for a Howell Center for people like my daughter and others who have serious medical issues that they were born with and God has answered our prayer of healing and normalcy every time with a "No".

We live in a fallen and sinful world that has sickness and death. We live in a cause and effect world that sometimes hurts. We live in a world where things happen and we don't have any good answers....except God loves us and in the end, and for eternity, we will live in a perfect body in a perfect world with Him....Forever.

Pray for Team Church as we minister to this new family at the funeral and for the coming months.

"Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love."

Martin Luther King Jr.