Wednesday, March 18, 2009

You Thought I Had Forgotten!

We have been receiving thousands of emails and calls about the fact that my BLOG was not posted by noon! People letting us know that a year and half ago I promised to BLOG daily by noon every day....M-F. Of course as you know....minus vacation or Holidays I have NEVER missed a day in almost two years! Until computer crashed and I could not get to another computer until now. ( I spent the morning at Billy Graham Evangelistic Association leading the chapel today and then helping Champion Christian Center with some details in their newly purchased warehouse!)

Okay.....maybe not thousands of emails....but at least a few people thought I had finally forgot to BLOG as promised. Nope.....just no working computer. Everything is back to normal now.....

Baptism & Communion Service tonight at 7pm!

Also, Here is a note from Kurt Wood the volunteer leader for our HUGE Howell Center Project:

"Ready…Set…Demo! This Sunday is the start of yet another Team Church service project. Please be at the Howell Center @ 1pm to begin work. We are scheduled to be done by 6pm. With a good showing of willing hands we could be done sooner, so don’t be afraid to bring help. There are no age restrictions, so if you feel your child is able to help out with the following feel free to bring him/her along. (10+ years)

Come ready to tear out and haul away dry wall, duct-work & insulation. If you have any of the following please bring them with you:

Step Ladders
Crowbars / hammers
Work gloves / safety glasses

The Howell Center is located 11950 Howell Center Drive Charlotte NC 28227!

You can drive yourself there or meet at the church at 12:45 to follow others over.