Friday, June 20, 2008

Church Office Update

Our staff has been working hard this week to get moved completely out of our current location in the warehouse and into the building. As of today we are completely out. We will start full office operations next week in the new building. However, our phone system is dragging behind as well as our Internet connections. This means that come next Monday....our phones and our email contact systems may not be working.

Of course our office cell phones are working and we may have the one direct office line up and running. Please be patient with us as we are having to be patient with our service providers. If you are scheduled to serve at the office next week, or meet with a staff member, or something else.....all office activities are in the new building. Also, our new CSF counseling ministry called The Matthews Counseling Center is open and up and running in their new rooms.

Speaking of our office moving.....we still have some desk, couches, TV's and tables for sale real cheap. Contact Chris Faulkner at the office for prices and details.

As I close for the week....some have asked: "Why are we moving the offices out of the warehouse and into the new building?" The answer is simple. We are moving forward with our short and long range goals and dreams as a church. We no longer will be spending $5,000 a month in rent and fees for the warehouse office space. We will be taking that money and using it to upgrade our systems and ministry in the new building as we look to build our second phase, add parking and our much needed play ground. We are a church that moves and acts on our dreams. We are a church that has a staff and volunteers that are always willing to sacrifice small current pleasures for long-term big dreams. The challenge with most people and churches is that they don't have the ability to see past next month. They live for today's little prizes while sacrificing larger dreams later!

PLEASE Forward this BLOG to as many CSF people as you they know that our offices have moved and so they are aware of the changes.....(believe it of not, we still have people who don't read my BLOG everyday! HA HA )