Yesterday's message had people talking in the cafe and at lunch afterward. That is good. A Sunday service should always be something that makes you talk about it when it is over and our goal is that everyone who listens can recall and restate the main idea behind the message.
I had a few people pull me aside and share with me that they have an addiction and that the message was on target and helpful. Moreover, I was pleased that these people shared with me that they were getting helped here at CSF through our counseling ministry and/or our Celebrate Recovery groups. That is awesome!
What about you? Did yesterday's message help you to realize that you need help? Maybe you need help to recognize your personal baggage and how that is affecting your life now? Maybe you need a group or someone to talk to? Whatever the case......don't struggle alone.
As a helpful reminder are the SIMPLE Spiritual things you have to believe about you if you are in the downward spiral of addiction!
SIMPLE Spiritual Thinking…
1) You Are Not Crazy BUT understood by God!
2) You Are Not Alone BUT in Fellowship here and with God.
3) You Are Not Unforgivable but Forgiven already by God.
4) You Are Not Hopeless BUT are the Beloved of God!
Also, here is the book I referenced: Last Addiction by Sharon Hersh
Today's Bible Reading Romans 14
This chapter highlights that their are not certain foods or religious "things" that are good or bad. This chapter teaches against legalism. However, verse 19-21 is clear that if you choose to engage in something that does not have the chance to lead you down the wrong path....BUT it does cause someone else who is not as strong as you to stumble and go down the wrong path...then you should not cause a "weaker" person to stumble.
In my mind this talks directly to the issue of what parents allow in their home. Unfiltered Internet, non-guarded cable or satellite TV, in sight and not locked up alcohol and the like. As a parents we should put down our own "rights" for the betterment of our kids...