Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Question That Must Be Answered!

On Sunday our Pre-school director came up to me and told me about what happened with my three-year-old son. Brady, my youngest son, has just turned three and a few weeks ago he moved up into his new group on Sunday morning. He has left the nursery area and is a big boy in with the other three-year-olds. Evidently, he noticed the colorful sign on the wall that read..."Jesus Loves Me!"

Brady asked Leah..."what does that say?" She told him... "It says, Jesus Loves Me." He then replied..."Who is Jesus?" That is a GREAT question for a three-year-old to be asking. I am so pleased that over the next weeks, months and years my son will be taught that every Sunday by adults who love him! That is the question that must be answered by each person. "Who is Jesus...to me?"

This SIMPLE question reminded me of how important each Sunday is in the life of a child. It is this importance that also concerns me. You see, at CSF we have far too many families that only come once or twice a month. This is not great for adults and it is very harmful to a child. They need weekly fun learning about Jesus and the things of God. They need to see church as a place to go on a regular basis if they are to really believe that the information being taught is real, important and something they should commit their life to.

I want to encourage us all.....lets make sure our attendance is regular for our own sake and the lives of our kids and teenagers. Summer time is a time when we all are gone a bunch. That is fun and a great thing about summer! However, when you are in town, be sure to make weekend plans around an active attendance each Sunday. Each Sunday we have dedicated adults ready to teach your kids..."Who is Jesus?"

Today's Bible Study Romans chapter 15

In verse 20 Paul shares his heart of what he has been called to do.....his heart matches the heartbeat of CSF....He says, it has always been his ambition to share the good news of Christ in places and to people who had not heard about Jesus. His desire was not to focus on those who were already Christians and build a church full of Christians who already had a relationship with Christ. Nope, Paul's desire was to reach people who were far from Jesus and could not answer the question: "Who is Jesus?"

The vision of CSF has always been to focus much of our energies to reaching those who are disconnected from Jesus and a local church. When we hang with Paul....we are in good company!