Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New Production Booth Points To The Future

Last Sunday at 1:05 pm we concluded our 3rd service. At 1:15pm about 10 very skilled volunteers from CSF begin building a our new sound and tech booth in the back of the main auditorium. This great new booth will allow us to have our current sound board, computers and other production stuff for Sunday's services in a sharp looking professionally crafted booth. No more ugly white tables with gear on them and cables hanging everywhere. You will love the new professional look!

Moreover, the large size will allow us to have a camera raised up in the booth for us to start filming the services and put them on our web site. Moreover, we will soon start showing the band and speaker live on the large screen. This booth will allow for us to increase what we do on Sunday morning as far as production is concerned. The massive light board has been moved up stairs into the balcony area and the down stairs production booth will now be up-fitted with new state-of-the-art equipment that will allow us to do live video, record our music live for live CD's and even serve as a way for our band to continue making new CD's...and all the other things we have not been able to do with professional quality.

The volunteers who designed and built our new Production Booth did a great job. Many are professional cabinet makers and builders for their careers. They spent many hours before Sunday, building the pieces in their shops and then they were here ALL Afternoon/Night Sunday assembling it so it can be ready to go this Sunday! GREAT JOB GUYS AND GALS!

CSF is all about TEAM work! The local church is at it's best when we are functioning as a TEAM!

One last thing.....The Tim Hawkins Concert is sold out! 575 people will enjoy this very funny night. If you procrastinated and did not get a ticket.....he will be back next year. Also, please go to our website and listen to the first message in the SIMPLE series. HA HA HA

Today's Bible Reading Romans Chapter 16

As Paul closes out the book of Romans he does a great job recounting the people who had helped him start and be a part of the church. In a way, he goes down the roster of the Church Team that helped him start and run this church. As you read through the list of people, you can read that he cares for them deeply and he list what they meant to him and what they did for the church.

We started our church 9 1/2 years ago. I too have so many people that come to mind that have been here for so many years. They have served and been a part of our church in good and challenging times. They have served faithfully. They have given sacrificially. They are Players on this great church team. I am thankful for so many know who you are.

Question for you......If we were to come up with a roster of current Players that are making a difference now...would you be on that active roster?