Yesterday was one of the messages that I knew going into it would be direct, a bit sharp and could have a "sting" as it was received. That is why I called it a Listerine message. Listerine is the mouth-wash that while you are swishing it around in your mouth it taste horrible and burns...however, you know it is good for you and that once you spit it out the shock will be over and you will have done something good for yourself. No more germs and evil plaque!
My message yesterday on simply being a good parent could have been a shock to your system, but, if simply followed would be great for you and your family. I was bombarded after each service with people who agreed with the SIMPLE message and agreed that it's truth stung a little as they were hearing it. Many people said they would need to start concentrating on the little values message they were giving their kids.
The three SIMPLE imitations that all of us can do are these:
1) SIMPLE imitation of Integrity. Don't be perplexed when your kids don't obey authority and follow the rules...when you have a lifestyle of family values of breaking rules!
2) SIMPLE imitation of Fairness for all people. Our kids should know that we view all people the same and we deal with them "not by the color of their skin, but the content of the character of their heart!"
3) SIMPLE imitation of Full Devotion. Our kids will need to see us as their parents being fully committed in our relationship to God. That means regular church attendance, serving, being involved in Bible reading and prayer.
I pray....for our kids sake.....that all CSF parents will start being worth image bearers of Christ and live a life worthy of imitation.
Today's Bible Reading: Colossians Chapter 2
I love this chapter. It reminds us that a relationship with Christ is SIMPLE. It is not what we do that allows us to have a salvation relationship with God....but it is what Jesus Christ has already done on the cross. Moreover, the silly little legalistic rules and traditions we come up with in our religions are more about outward appearance than they are true heart change. We all know that we can go through religious motions and practices and never have a heart change. What we need is a heart change based on what Christ has done and then live in that new heart transplant according to the grace of change that HE has given us.