Thursday, January 8, 2009

Did You See That Sunrise

One of the great things of getting up early and leaving the house for work at 7am is getting to see a sun-rise like we have this morning. It was a mixture of red, purple and hot pink. Amazing.......If you are reading this by 8am you may get to see it too!

Last night as I was being blown over by the hurricane force winds and watching my son practice Lacrosse when I had that "oh no" feeling. I remembered it was a new year and it was Wednesday night.... and that Team Kid was.....then I remembered that Team Kid starts next Wednesday night.

I am so glad that Clint and our kid's ministry started Team Kid last fall. I know my 5th grade son loves it and for the first time in his life he was reading the bible almost daily, memorizing Bible verses and learning what they Bible says in a creative and fun way that is designed especially for his age. It is different than Sunday morning as they have teams that stay together the entire 10 week season with a leader that guides them through our Team Kid manual for life.

Like I did when I was growing up, Peyton will go from practice straight to Team Kid on the Wednesday nights he has practice. Makes for a long afternoon/evening once in a while but it also teaches time management, disciple of time and in my opinion is better than sitting at home watching TV of playing silly video games.

Also, for all Middle & High School students.....the highly acclaimed "Pursuit" starts next Wednesday too. Last fall was the first season for this also and over 120 students came each week! We should all work hard to make sure our kids are at these great mid-week experiences. We design them to be in 10 consecutive week seasons... that then take a break for 3-6 weeks. This ensures that each night is done with excellence, is fresh, exciting and most importantly impacting to our kids.

Thought for today as you see that Sunrise:

"Paradise is where I am" - Voltaire

"Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths, guide me in your truth and teach me for you are my God. - Psalms 25:4-5