Monday, January 5, 2009

The first 5 minutes was all we promised!

I was not there....but I heard the first five minutes of the Sunday service yesterday was very impacting. Shocking is the word I heard. I truly believe the visual will help each of us be able to have the right attitude and gratitude as we move into 2009. If you were not there....go to our website on Tuesday and watch it. Also, if you missed the AMAZING Christmas Eve service you can watch it now.

We are now Team Church! Get ready for a great new year as we begin with our new name. Our name describes who we have been and who we will always be in our city. We are a church that believes that people in the church all matter and should Team up to live the best life possible as we act as the church. However, we also believe that the local church is suppose to be active and engaging in our city. We are to Team up with others in our city to make a difference and do something significant with our lives as a church.

This Sunday we will start a 3 part series that will show very clearly what God has commissioned Team Church to be and do. We are a church that believes in being action oriented to make an impact in our world. I am so excited about what we are doing this year....I can't hardly stand it.

As Rick told you on Sunday......we will celebrate our 10 year anniversary by doing 10 specific community minded and impacting events. From building playgrounds to giving our own blood at a blood drive at the church next Tuesday....we are going to let our area know that Team Church is primed and ready as a we move into our 10th year to DO SOMETHING SIGNIFICANT for our city and beyond. We also will be launching our first new campus as Team Church in Lancaster county starts this Spring.

Get ready......Team Church is going to be awesome!

This year....every day's BLOG will conclude with a verse, thought or quote for the day. Here is the one I wanted to share with you today..."Attitude is the mind's paintbrush, go create a masterpiece today." (Author Unknown)